Proposed re-development of The Bay Leaf in Bollington

You’re hopefully aware, that there’s an open meeting next week – to discuss the demolition of The Bay Leaf restaurant in Bollington, to be replaced by a Sainsbury’s store – with the restaurant on the first floor.

The meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, September 21, 7.45pm at Bollington Cross School.

The following day (September 22nd) Bollington Town Council will meet at 7pm at Bollington Town Hall to determine its recommendations to Cheshire East planners.

We’ve suggested on a number of occasions that the Council check out the situation with some video surveillance – so far without success.

Maybe this footage will prove to be a wake-up call for those in favour.

This wasn’t planned or set up.

Having witnessed daily the volume of traffic and considered the impact that the ludicrous development would have on the situation, I’d decided I would film a half-an-hour or so that lunchtime.

In the event, I arrived, got out of my car, and started filming. I filmed for just 4 mins 24 seconds.

Unbelievably Cheshire East Highways Department see no problems – hopefully this will cause them to reconsider.

Before someone starts screaming foul, the car parked on right is parked on double yellows, but is displaying a blue disabled persons badge – so is parked legally.

The cars on the left – although there are no waiting restrictions – are all strictly parked illegally, with two wheels up on the pavement. This doesn’t help the pedestrians much, but is of benefit to passing vehicles.

Note how close those vehicles get to the parked ones (check out the just-broken mirror when the camera pans around), the speed they’re travelling at and – the sheer volume of traffic.

Then consider what the junction will be like if a new store, with it’s inherent traffic issues, is built.


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