Rossendale Trust’s WorkTaste programme

MP for Macclesfield, David Rutley, visited King’s School to see first-hand their involvement in Rossendale Trust’s WorkTaste programme.

Rossendale Trust’s WorkTaste initiative allows businesses and community projects to host short workplace opportunities for adults with learning and physical disabilities. They are supported by trained Rossendale staff on a one-one basis, and the programme enables them to learn invaluable skills for their future, particularly in hospitality, retail, and production.

David met with Chris Ratcliffe, a Rossendale tenant who has been working in the school’s canteen and is a regular contributor to the Friday schedule, alongside King’s Head of Foundation, Jason Slack. 

David also met the wider catering team from Holroyd Howe to discuss the active role Chris takes in the school’s busy kitchen. David seized the opportunity to try shortbread biscuits baked by Chris that morning, which were served to school staff and students. 

 As Patron of the Rossendale Trust, David helps champion the work of this much-valued local charity, and expressed his gratitude for the school’s proactive support on learning that the school are looking to expand the programme with the addition of more placements. 

He also learned more about King’s ongoing engagement with other local community groups. A number of Macclesfield organisations, including the Scouts and several sports clubs, benefit from King’s support in the wider community, including use of its facilities and sports hall. 

More information on WorkTaste and how to sign up to the programme, can be found using the following link, 

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