Discover Macclesfield’s Historic Buildings

Christ Church is again taking part in this year’s Heritage Open Days one of eight or so buildings across Macclesfield opening to the public as part of a national celebration of heritage.
The Roe-naissance Group will be opening the church on Sat 13 & Sun 14 Sept, 11am-4pm and the information boards with proposed plans for a new use around creative play and performance will be on show.  There are also a couple of special events.
On Saturday morning Simon Holder, leader of the very active group of campanologists and is organising a special ringing of the 10 bells from 11am, with a short demonstration at noon.
On Sunday afternoon at 2pm, architectural historian Matthew Hyde who has recently updated the so-called ‘Statement of Significance’ will do a tour of the building – and  playing the organ at 3pm!
If you can spare an hour to help out with the stewarding – alongside a Roe-naissance Group member – please email:, it would be great to have more help and meet others interested in Christ Church’s future.

Park Green House
Park  Green  SK11  6HN
Unique  home  of  The  Ryle  Family  dating  from  1720.
Sat  13th,  10.30am-3pm

Macclesfield Silk Museums
The  Old  Sunday  School,  Roe  St,  SK11  6UT
Paradise  Mill,  Park  Lane,  SK  11  6TJ
Discover  the  history  of  Silk  in  Macclesfield.  New  exhibitions,  tours and  activities.
Step  back  into  the  early  industrialisation  of  the  town and  see  26  restored  Jacquard  looms  and  much  more.
Fri  12th,  Sat  13th  &  Sun  14th,  see  website  for  details  (maybe  charge  for  entry)

The Town Hall
Market  Place  SK10  1EA
This  magnificent  building  dating  from  1823  has  been  the  civic heart  of  the  town  since  then,  a  venue  for  major  town  events.
Recently  refurbished  with  all  rooms  open  to  the  public.
Sat  13th  &  Sun  14th,  11am-4pm

St. Michael & All Angels Parish Church
Market  Place,  SK10  1HW
Founded  by  Queen  Eleanor  of  Castile  in  1278  as  a  forest chapelry,  this  impressive  church  has  many  fascinating  later features  including  The  Savage  Chapel  (1504)  and  windows  from the  William  Morris  Studio.  Also  exhibition.
Fri  12th  10.30am-12.30pm  /  Sat  13th  10.30am-3pm

King Edward Street Unitarian Chapel,
King  Edward  Street,  SK10  1AA
This  small  gem  of  a  building  is  another  of  Macclesfield’s  historic and  architectural  treasures.  Built  in  1689  and  licensed  for  use  by dissenters  from  The  Church  of  England  it  is  a  listed  building  and in  use  as  a  Unitarian  Chapel.  There  will  be  a  small  display relating  to  WW1  Centenary  over  the  weekend.
Sat  13th,  10am-3pm

Charles Roe House
Chestergate  SK11  6DY
The  former  residence  of  industrialist  Charles  Roe  (1753-1781), includes  exhibition  relating  to  the  local  Yeomanry  of  19th  Century.
Sat  13th,  10.30am-3.30pm
Sun  14th  to  Sun  21st,  Sat  27th  &  Sun  28th,  11am-3pm

Christ Church
Bridge  Street/Great  King  Street,  SK11  6LB
Explore  Charles  Roe’s  ‘engineering  marvel’  built  in  1776  making pioneering  use  of  structural  ironwork  it  has  a  wonderful  acoustic.»
No  longer  in  regular  use,  find  out  about  plans  for  a  new  use.
Sat  13th  &  Sun  14th,  11am-4pm
Sat:  Bell  ringing  11am-12pm  &  demonstration  12-12.20pm
Sun:  Architectural  Tour  with  Matthew  Hyde  2-3pm,
Organ  playing  3-4pm

United Reformed Church
Park  Green,  SK11  7NA
Grade  II  listed  and  built  in  1877  with  many  Victorian  features. Refurbished  in  2009
Thurs  11th,  Fri  12th  &  Sat  13th,  11am-4pm

Walk  &  Talk:  From  Archers  to  Yeomanry
by  Macclesfield  Historian  &  Author,  Dorothy  Bentley  Smith
Sun  14th,  1.30-2.45pm  Tickets  Visitor  Info  Centre,  01625  387123

Additional  talks  by  Dorothy  Bentley  Smith,  Charles  Roe  House
Sat  20th  &  28th  Sept  call  VIC,  01625  378123


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