Local people are invited to learn about diabetic foot disease at a free public lecture next month.
The talk, held at Macclesfield Hospital on Tuesday, December 1st, will explain the issues around diabetic foot disease at both national and local levels before outlining what people living with the condition can do to help themselves.
The session starts at 7pm and will cover current levels of foot disease, its cost to the NHS and how dangerous diabetic foot disease can be to patients.
Speaker George Dunn, an advanced high-risk podiatric specialist, will also explain what to look out for and how to stay healthy when living with diabetes.
George has been a practicing podiatrist since 1989 and a specialist in diabetes and foot wounds since 2004. His specialities also include vascular problems and other unusual conditions. George is also a member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists’ Council and its representative to the All Parliamentary Limb Loss Group.
George said: “Many people will probably be surprised to learn that diabetic foot complications are the most costly of all diabetes-related complications and the commonest reason for a person with diabetes to be admitted to hospital.
“Diabetic foot complications are also associated with considerable suffering and a markedly shortened life span. Around £1 in every 150 spent on the NHS is spent treating diabetic foot disease. Every 20 seconds, a limb is lost to diabetes somewhere in the world and it causes 135 amputations per week in UK, so it really is a serious challenge for the NHS and health organisations around the world.
“Come along to our free talk to learn more and find out how you or anyone you know living with diabetes can guard against these conditions.”
The talk takes place in Macclesfield Hospital’s Lecture Theatre near the Treetops Restaurant on the first floor. All are welcome to attend the event but places are limited, so please book in advance and secure free parking if required by contacting the Communications and Engagement Department on freephone 0800 195 4194 or email ecntstaff.comms@nhs.net
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