Bollington SciBar: Einstein, Gravity and Pulsars


While Einsteins theory of general relativity has been extremely successful in explaining the properties of gravity, aligning it with the other forces still remains elusive. He will discuss here how we can use pulsars as probes of gravity and try and test whether Einstein was right. He will discuss using the best systems we have know, including the double pulsar, and he will also look ahead to the possible discovery of a BH-pulsar binary. He will also consider the search for gravitational waves from supermassive blackholes in the early Universe.

Finally he will discuss how the Square Kilometre Array can help address these issues. By Professor Benjamin Stappers, Reader in the Jodrell Bank Center for Astrophysics which is in the school of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester.Talk starts 6.30pm. Arrive in good time to be sure of a seat. All welcome, no charge.


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