Membership of the Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society for the 2017-2018 season costs £20 per person which covers entry to all meetings.
For those not wishing to become members a guest fee of £5 is payable on the door for each meeting. 18 year-olds and under are admitted free.
Programme of Meetings 2017-2018
Thursday 14th September 2017
Some Colourless Green Ideas of Scientism: Philosophy and Science
Leon Culbertson is Reader in Philosophy and Assistant Director for Postgraduate Research at Edge Hill University. His interests include the philosophy of mind and language, and the work of Wittgenstein.
Tuesday 10th October 2017
Oxford and the Pre-Raphaelites
Jon Whiteley, a well-known art historian, is the author of a number of books on French and English 19th century artists. He was made a Chevalier of the French Order of Arts and Letters in 2009. Until 2016, he was senior assistant keeper in the Department of Western Art at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
The AGM will follow the talk and discussion.
Thursday 9th November 2017
King Arthur in Lincolnshire
Kevin Leahy is a freelance archaeological finds specialist who works as the National Adviser for Early Medieval Metalwork for the Portable Antiquities Scheme and is an Honorary Visiting Fellow at Leicester University.
Tuesday 16th January 2018
Big Data
Ed Griffen will provide an introduction to modern “Big Data”: where it’s working, where it probably won’t and the threats and challenges it brings. Ed is a co-founder of MedChemica, a Big Data company that specialises in large-scale knowledge extraction for the life science industries.
Thursday 15th February 2018
Marital Roles and Tensions in Rural India Compared with the UK
Wendy Olsen will describe Indian society with its caste and class systems, intense social networking and informal rural labour system. Her background is in development and labour economics. She is Head of the Department of Social Statistics at Manchester University.
Thursday 15th March 2018
Well Mannered and Well Bannered
Helen Antrobus works at the People’s History Museum. She is interested in the lives of radical women and how they are interpreted through their collections: and for this talk in particular, the suffragettes. She has an upcoming book Feminism and Museums and has taken part in programmes on Radio 4.
Tuesday 10th April 2018
Fracking and the Living World
Nigel Hennerley is an environmental campaigner based in Cheshire, and Colin Watson is an engineer with many years experience in the nuclear energy sector.
Tuesday 15th May 2018
A Knight in the Peak
Lud’s Church and the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Lucinda Rumsey is Senior Tutor and a Supernumerary Fellow in English at Mansfield College, Oxford. She studied English at Westfield College and King’s College London. She teaches Old and Middle English, and loves wild landscape and detective fiction. Her talk combines all these interests.
Membership enquiries: membership@litandphilmacc.org.uk
General: mail@litandphilmacc.org.uk
Telephone: 01625 421505
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