Make Macc more sustainable . . . the conversation continues

The legacy of Barnaby 2018 carries on apace with another Macc-tastic meeting next Monday 19th November at St Michael’s.

Everyone’s welcome to come along and hear how our teams are progressing towards making our sustainability ideas come to life: working with local businesses to reduce plastic waste, setting up a repair cafe, tackling litter, how to engage students and young people with these issues and how we can encourage bees and other pollinating insects to come to town.

And of course, we’d love to hear any new ideas from the eco-warriors or concerned citizens amongst you. Together, we can make Macclesfield the most sustainable town in the north west.

St Michael’s Church, Market Place, Monday 19th November, 7.30 pm prompt. FREE. You can register here, but you can also just turn upon the evening

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