Macclesfield group of the Family History Society of Cheshire – 2020 programme

Meetings are open to the public, and admission is £2 for members and £3 for non-members including refreshments.

For more details please contact

28th January
History from Local Sources a talk by Ian Doughty.

25th February
Wagon’s West a talk by Ian Cameron.
Three Cheshire brothers converted to Mormonism in its early years in England and in about 1850 set off for the US with their families, heading for Salt Lake City on sailing ships and on wagons crossing the Great Plains, with three entirely different outcomes.

24th March
Studying the three R’s: an introduction to School and Education Records for Family Tree research
a talk by Claire Moores.

28th  April
What did he die of? a talk by Sylvia Dillon.
Exploring causes of death and where you might find death records.

26th May
Women of Macclesfield  – short talks.
Some you may have heard of and others may be new to you.

23rd June
Tabley House a talk by Claire Pye.

Visit to Tabley House (date to be arranged)

25th August
Researching Military Medals a talk by Peter Ramsden

22nd September
AGM and “Show and Tell” bring along a family heirloom or two and tell us why they are so precious to you.

27th October
Bollington History including some Bollington families
a talk by Tim Boddington

24th November
What’s new in Family Search?
a talk by Val Moss

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