All posts by Editor

  • Open heart surgery – by the roadside!

    A motorcyclist has thanked the doctor who performed emergency open chest heart surgery at the side of the road, saving his life and enabling him...

  • Cheshire Firefighters promote boat fire safety

    Firefighters in Cheshire will be out and about this week (Monday 27 May to Sunday 2 June) promoting fire safety on boats as part of...

  • Oliver!

    Image ⓒ David J King The musical masterpiece Oliver! swaps the streets of London for Buxton. Following the huge success of Buxton Opera House’s production of West Side Story,...

  • The Big Lunch 2019

    On the first weekend of June, communities across the UK will be coming together for a day of food, friendship and fun with The Big...

  • Geronimo – a great family day out!

    Above; Dr Davidson Esquire demonstrating how to clean Horace the Pilosaur’s teeth and wings! For the third year running, we packed up the car with...

  • Teenager jailed for driving car into group

    An 18-year-old man has been jailed after driving a car into a group of three men on Christmas Eve. Caspen Skinkis, of Queensgate, Northwich, was...

  • Talk Talk scam warning

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  • Geronimo Festival top 10 survival guide

    We are super excited to be on our final countdown to Geronimo festival 2019! This bank holiday weekend we will be at Arley Hall Cheshire...

  • Splash Out for children’s hospice

    Francis House Children’s Hospice are holding a new family fundraising event in July – Splash Out! Fun-seekers and families are being asked to dash around...

  • Holmes Chapel boxing club

    Holmes Chapel Boxing Club was launched earlier this year to promote community cohesion and to give young people a safe place to practice their boxing...

  • Labour leader for Cheshire East

    Labour’s Sam Corcoran has been elected leader of Cheshire East Council – with Independent group leader Craig Browne appointed as his deputy. The council was...

  • Cheshire East moves to committee decision making

    Cheshire East Council is set to move to a committee system of decision making. A notice of motion which proposes to move away from the...

  • Police target exploited children and vulnerable adults

    Weapons, cash and illegal drugs were seized during a county lines week of action to disrupt and protect communities from serious and organised crime in...

  • Spate of burglaries across Cheshire

    Cheshire residents are being urged to be vigilant following a spate of burglaries across the county. A series of homes, sheds, garages and businesses were...

  • Your Health Matters

    The next of this years Health Matters programme is being held in the lecture theatre at Macclesfield Hospital on 4th June and the title is “Dealing with Dupuytren’s...

  • Highland cattle moo-ve into Lyme

    The sights and sounds of Scotland have come to Lyme Park this year, with the arrival of a dozen highland cattle. Part of the National...

  • Power fault brings Manchester Airport to a halt

    Thirteen thousand passengers were affected by flight cancellations at Manchester Airport yesterday after a a power fault halted refueling. The airport said 87 flights, in...

  • Elderly warned to be on their guard

    Cheshire Police are urging Cheshire residents to be vigilant after an elderly couple were scammed out of a large quantity of money. The pensioners from...

  • Coral will be singing at Christ Church

    Local singer, Coral Roberts, will be performing at Christ Church – the historic town centre church – during open day on Sunday May 26th 11.00am...

  • Investigation into the death of a fox

    Ilovemacc doesn’t support fox hunting, but when you’ve read this item issued by Cheshire Police’s communications department regarding the effort and manpower utilized in investigating...