All posts by Editor

  • Work starts on Congleton link road

    The construction of the Congleton Link Road scheme started yesterday (25th February) at an event attended by Cheshire East Council’s leader councillor Rachel Bailey, transport...

  • Residential scheme for County Hotel

    Planning consent has been given for a residential scheme on the site of the former County Hotel on the B5359 (Alderley Road) in Alderley Edge....

  • Appeal to help trace Gawsworth man

    Police are becoming increasingly concerned for the welfare of a 65-year-old man from Gawsworth who hasn’t been seen or heard from for six days. John...

  • Police candidate rejected for being a white, hetero male

    A 25-year-old man has been rejected for a Cheshire Constabulary position for being a “a white, heterosexual male without disability”, a tribunal heard. Matthew Furlong,...

  • TEDx = better connections

    The inaugural TEDxMacclesfield in 2018 was a whirlwind of eight intriguing and varied talks by nine speakers, all focusing on an “idea worth sharing” and...

  • New-build levy to benefit community

    A levy on newly built homes and property sites will be in place in the borough by 1 March – which Cheshire East Council say...

  • Spring comes early to Hare Hill Gardens

    It’s not yet March but in at least one small quarter of Cheshire – spring has well and truly arrived Local family and child photographer,...

  • Macclesfield Golf Club Wedding Fayre

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  • Teenagers to make knife crime ad

    Cheshire’s Police Youth Engagement Officers launched a project in January, inviting high school and college age students to make a short video or radio advert...

  • Firefighting talent of the future

    Above: Assistant Chief Fire Officer Alex Waller, Lara Cook, Cullum Humphries, Chair of Cheshire Fire Authority, Councillor Bob Rudd Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service celebrated...

  • Memorial service for Vulcan pilot

    Above: L-R: David Thomas, Barry Masefield and Alistair McDicken were the flight crew on-board XH558 for her first post-restoration flight in 2007. Test pilot Alistair...

  • Flipping good pancakes at Tatton Park Farm

    Join in the fun at Tatton Park Farm over the weekend of 2nd and 3rd March 2019, as visitors search for the all-important ingredients for...

  • Silk is the Soul – a new artwork for Macclesfield

    In 2017, artist Laurence Payot was supported by a Barnaby grant to create a new work which reimagined the town’s silk heritage using art and digital technologies. Last month,...

  • Third defibrillator for Chelford

    Chelford Together has won support from housebuilder David Wilson Homes for a third defibrillator for the village. The group was approached by Chelford Parish Council...

  • Co-op manager stole £4,000

    A Co-op assistant manager stole over £4,000 in cash but was caught on CCTV stuffing wads of notes into an envelope. Rachael Helen Bennett, 30,...

  • The Clink can help your business

    As businesses struggle to fill skills gaps across a range of sectors – with more than half of companies confessing to struggles in recruitment, the...

  • Death of the town centre

    If you think that Macclesfield’s town centre retail woes aren’t being shared across the country think on. Intu, the firm which owns the Trafford Centre...

  • British Gas scam

    If you have an elderly or vulnerable relative or friend please alert them to this scam. We knew this was a scam immediately as we...

  • Art Fair Cheshire 2019

    If you would you like to volunteer for this year’s Art Fair Cheshire there’s a Drop In information event on Tuesday 26th February, 4 pm...

  • Make it a special Mother’s Day

    This year, show your mum just how special she is on a day out with the National Trust. Spend some precious time together surrounded by...