All posts by Editor

  • Apple and the FBI

    Not a local story I know, but it’s one that could have implications for everyone. The stories relating to Apple’s refusal to assist the FBI in unlocking...

  • Astronomy picture of the day

    NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis  Image Credit & Copyright: Eric Coles and Mel HelmExplanation: Magnificent island universe NGC 2403 stands within the boundaries of the long-necked constellation Camelopardalis. Some 10 million light-years distant and...

  • La Lune at Barnaby 2016

    Delve into the spellbinding tale of La Lune this Barnaby Festival and find out why we need to fill the town with starlight. The Astronomer’s Story is an...

  • Music festival hits the high notes

    Image: David Rutley MP with Cllr Hilda Gaddum, Mayor of Cheshire East (centre), Paul Reed, Deputy Head of the Macclesfield Academy (far left), and students...

  • ‘Spice up Spring’ at Little Moreton Hall

    If you plan to cook up a special dinner for Mother’s Day, a visit to Little Moreton Hall may provide some tasty tips for the...

  • Barnaby announces national arts commissions for 2016

    Four critically acclaimed artists have been invited by Barnaby Festival to exhibit as part of an ambitious visual art programme for Barnaby 2016, in Macclesfield. Bedwyr Williams, Liliane Lijn, Hondartza...

  • And you think you’re having a bad day . . .

    . . . just so you know, it isn’t only you who has bad ones! Share this... Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Email Reddit Tumblr

  • Health Matters

    The next talk in the Health Matters programme – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – will be held on Tuesday 1st March 2016 and will be presented by Dr Saravanan, Consultant Gastroenterologist,...

  • Not so Happy Valley mired in controversy again

    Cheshire’s own Happy Valley – Bollington – is again mired in a controversy relating to the old Co-op store site on Albert Road. Regular readers...

  • A not so smart M6?

    A road-scheme intended to improve journeys for Cheshire M6 drivers will get underway later this month. Highways England are upgrading a 20-mile stretch of the...

  • MASC 1893-2016

    Macclesfield Amateur Swimming Club, (MASC), has been teaching locals to swim since 1893. But, thanks to Cheshire East – that’s about to end. Everybody Sports...

  • Astronomy picture of the day

    Star Forming Region S106  Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processed & Copyright: Brandon Pimenta Explanation: Massive star IRS 4 is beginning to spread...

  • MP urges ‘Clean for the Queen’

    Local MP David Rutley, has called on schools, businesses and community groups to help tidy up their local area ahead of Her Majesty The Queen’s...

  • New Stanage Pole to mark Peak District anniversary

    Stanage Pole will be replaced on Sunday 17 April in a special ceremony in honour of the Peak District National Park’s 65th anniversary. A wooden...

  • Riotous and very naughty – Lysistrata

    Riotous and very naughty – Actors of Dionysus are back in Buxton with a revival of their eye-popping, trouser-dropping comedy, Lysistrata. In a high octane, hugely enjoyable and...

  • Buxton’s Pavilion Arts Centre has the answer

    Looking for the ‘feel good February and marvellous March formula’? There’s something to tickle the fancy for all music lovers over the next month, with...

  • Miss Marple to be Sleuthing in Buxton

    “A murder is announced and will take place on Friday, October the thirteenth, at little Paddocks – at six-thirty p.m.” This is the advert that...

  • Astronomy picture of the day

    Yutu on a Little Planet  Image Credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese National Space Administration, Emily Lakdawalla (Planetary Society) – Stitched by: Andrew BodrovExplanation: Tracks lead to a small robot...

  • Jewish life, art and enterprise in Macclesfield during World War II

    Main image: The Weinberg family, who came to Macclesfield as refugees escaping persecution, soon integrated into Macclesfield life. Joe, on the far left, established Weinberg’s tailors...

  • The High Sheriff’s Awards for Enterprise 2015/16

    In their 10th Anniversary year, the Awards offer thousands of pounds worth of prizes, as well as access to a network of support across Cheshire and...