
  • Cheshire’s new chief constable confirmed

    Darren Martland has been confirmed as Cheshire Constabulary’s new chief constable – following a confirmation hearing by Cheshire’s police and crime panel. Mr Martland has...

  • Chinese New Year in Macclesfield

    ‘Silky’ introduces the year of the pig. Last Saturday (2nd February), Macclesfield families came along in their hundreds to help celebrate Chinese New Year. To welcome...

  • Should we go back to move forward?

    Above: shops with overhead apartments are a common sight on the continent. We may need to go back and revisit the past before we’re able...

  • Police target bad drivers

    More than twice the number of people died on Cheshire’s roads in 2018 in comparison to the previous year – and the majority of those...

  • Virginmarys

    Virginmarys news from Ally and Danny Hit the hotlink and all will be revealed: Share this... Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Email Reddit Tumblr

  • MBE for Councillor Janet Jackson

    Above: Janet Jackson MBE, pictured with (left to right) her son’s partner Louise Wetton, daughter Lucy, husband David and son Carl. Cheshire East and Macclesfield...

  • Moss residents meeting

    A public meeting will be held at St Barnabas Church, Lyme Avenue, on Tuesday, February 19, from 7pm. to address residents concerns regarding a proposed...

  • PFA called in to The Moss

    The Professional Footballers’ Association has been called in to resolve a dispute with two Macclesfield Town players who claim they’ve not been paid money owing...

  • Parking charges to increase

    It beggars belief – the town centres are on their knees and the response of Cheshire East is to raise the cost of parking! Of...

  • Have you seen Patch the lurcher?

    Patch was with his owner walking on the 27/01/19 when he slipped his lead and chased after a rabbit. Unfortunately, Patch is not familiar with...

  • Another store bites the dust

    More bad news for Macclesfield with the announcement that Brighthouse is to close its store in the Grosvenor Centre – along with others in Eccles,...

  • Homes for Poynton greenbelt land

    A total of 136 new homes are due to be built on the green-belt in Poynton later this year, following the sale of 10.81 acres...

  • More police officers for Cheshire

    Above:left to right: PCSO Daren Dennis, PCC David Keane, Sergeant Gareth Kerr and PCSO Philip Redshaw at a community base launch in 2018. Cheshire’s Police...

  • Parents urged to pass on cooking safety tips

    During the February half term, many children across Cheshire will be spending more time in the kitchen. But whether they’re lending a hand or seeking...

  • Bank rapid response scheme cuts fraud

    A new rapid response scheme by banks and police has prevented potential fraud victims from being scammed out of £1.64million in Cheshire, new figures reveal....

  • Council tackles fly tippers

    Two officers have been recruited as part of a partnership effort to tackle fly-tipping and waste disposal issues in Crewe. The street scene improvement officers...

  • Tyler’s father makes safety plea

    Simon Wolstenholme, the father of Tyler Wolstenholme who died in a road collision last week, has issued a safety plea to parents of other young...

  • Light up the Night

    Walking together in memory of loved ones. Register Now! Early Bird ticket prices end on 28th February! Registration includes; your Light Up The Night T Shirt,...

  • Council tax to rise 3.99%

    Cheshire East are to raise resident’s council tax bills by 3.99%. The budget takes account of: An increase of £13.1m in overall net revenue spending...

  • Macclesfield Civic Society Awards 2019

    Above: Vincent Street town houses Forget the Oscars, Baftas, Strictly or Brexit ! It’s time to submit your nominations for the Maccesfield Civic Awards Scheme to find out which...