
  • Happy Christmas Marius

    Big Issue seller Marius Tanase was given an unexpected early Christmas present of £150 on Saturday, courtesy of ilovemacc readers. Regular readers will have read...

  • The scammers are at work

    Businesses and residents are being warned to watch out for cold calls and online contact from fraudsters who are offering victims the opportunity to apply...

  • CCTV image of robbery

    Detective investigating an armed robbery at an off-licence in Macclesfield have now released a CCTV image of one of the men they are looking to...

  • Local entrepreneur at cutting edge

    Local businessman, Daniel Royston, is breaking new scientific ground with his company, now located at Alderley Park, as Macclesfield MP, David Rutley, learned on a...

  • Severe delays on northbound M6 in Cheshire

    There are severe delays on the M6 northbound in Cheshire, due to an incident between J20 and J21 (Thelwall Viaduct). Lanes 1 and 2 are...

  • November record for Manchester Airport

    Manchester Airport saw 1,731,446 passengers travel through its terminals in November – up two per cent on 2016. CAA data reveals Manchester added more passengers...

  • Can you identify this property?

    Cheshire Police are seeking assistance in identifying the property in the image. The vehicle is a Green Kuboto. Anyone with information is asked to contact: PC4522 Walker...

  • EU farmers grant fraud alert

    Scammers are looking forward to a seasonal bonus from local farmers by employing a Payment Diversion Fraud – if you’re in contact with members of...

  • Appeal following Congleton street robbery

    Police in Congleton are appealing for information following a street robbery in the town. At around 10.20 pm on 9 December 2017 a 49-year-old man...

  • Churchill Way development news from Wake up Macc

    You can now see the proposals for the Churchill Way cinema development on the How Planning website  The deadline for comments is 5pm on 20 December. No...

  • Apprentices graduate from The Prince’s Trust Programme

    A group of young people who graduated from a Prince’s Trust Programme are to become Firefighter and Community Safety Apprentices with Cheshire Fire and Rescue...

  • Space4Autism – Open Space

    Space4Autism’s Open Space will be open Mon-Thursday 10-3pm during term time at The Space Centre A chance to meet with other parent/carers but also a community...

  • Christmas card competition win for Lostock Hall pupil

    Pupils and staff at Lostock Hall Primary School enjoyed some festive cheer at a specially-organised assembly, as Macclesfield MP, David Rutley, visited to announce the...

  • Space4Autism Launch 3.30

    Launch 3.30 is an ASC After-school Club for the whole family to attend. Mon-Thurs 3.30-5pm during term time starting from Jan 2018, check out the website...

  • Healthcare Communications acquired in a £15m deal

    Macclesfield-based Healthcare Communications has been acquired in a £15m deal by software company IMImobile. Healthcare Communications specialises in patient experience communications and appointment management for...

  • Increased services to China from Manchester

    News of a “landmark agreement” to allow more direct services between the UK and China has been welcomed by travellers and North West businesses. The...

  • Cheshire East legal head resigns

    Cheshire East’s head of legal services, Bill Norman, has resigned from his post with immediate effect. Bill Norman is one of three senior officers being...

  • Disabled Living exhibition of Christmas cards

    Disabled Living – one of Manchester’s oldest existing charities – are 120 years old this year and one of Manchester’s oldest existing charities. An exhibition...

  • Christmas Social

    Help us put the fun into fundraising… We’re really looking forward to our Christmas Social and Fundraiser at Shackleford Pianos (Athey Street, Macclesfield Sk11 6QU)...

  • New Year’s Eve at the Opera House

    If your New Year’s Eve plans are still not fixed take a look at Buxton Opera House’s celebration of New Year’s Eve – in the...