
  • Long-distance footpath for National Park

    A new long-distance footpath, celebrating Britain’s original National Park, has been launched by Friends of the Peak District. The 190-mile route stretches from South Pennine...

  • Quarry Bank gardens are in full bloom

    Gardens that were first planted around 200 years ago have now been restored to their former glory and are blooming. From the glasshouse in the...

  • The Royal Cheshire Show – Day two

    Another fine day for The Royal Cheshire Show brought thousands more visitors to what has to be the greatest show in the region. Only one thing to do now...

  • Mydel’s 70th birthday

    Mydel Ladies Choir celebrated their 70th anniversary on 17th June with an Anniversary Concert, at Macclesfield Methodist Church attended by the Mayor of Macclesfield, Cllr Beverly...

  • The Royal Cheshire Show – Day One

    The sun continued to shine for the first day of The Royal Cheshire Show – boosting the thousands of visitors attending what must be the best show ever....

  • Appeal following attempted robbery in Wilmslow

    Officers from Macclesfield Local Policing team are appealing for information from the public following an attempted robbery in Wilmslow. At approximately 7.30pm on Tuesday 30...

  • Kirby is missing

    Appeal on behalf of Devon and Cornwall police – Investigation into missing woman from Marazion, near Penzance. Detectives are appealing to the public for information...

  • Ensure your child’s online safety

    Parents across the county are being urged to ensure their children are safe online as the summer holidays soon get underway. As youngsters spend more...

  • MBE for Bosley disaster fundraiser

    A fundraiser who helped her community after four people died in the Bosley disaster has been made an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. Sylvia Jenkinson lost...

  • Makeover for Longdendale Valley trails to increase accessibility

    Walkers, cyclists and horse riders in the Longdendale Valley can look forward to more beautiful views and greater levels of accessibility in the coming years....

  • Help shape your Peak District National Park

    Image ⓒ Chris Gilbert People who care for the Peak District National Park, whose work shapes and protects its iconic landscapes or who enjoy its...

  • Profit surge for Quint

    Macclesfield-based Quint Group is celebrating a record year of growth with a profits surge of over 250%. The fintech company’s underlying profits hit £5.9m in...

  • Royal Cheshire County Show – five days to go!

    Just five more days to go before the show opens! For more than 175 years, the Cheshire show has been the premier summertime agricultural event...

  • Jane Austen anniversary marked at Lyme

    Monday 17 July to Sunday 23 July 2017 The 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death will be commemorated at Lyme from 17 – 23 July...

  • Macclesfield Festival – Kid’s stage line-up announced – win tickets!!

    10am July 22nd Macclesfield RUFC Priory Park, Priory Lane, Macclesfield SK10 4AF The inaugural premier Cheshire family friendly festival will be opening its doors on 22nd...

  • Alzheimer’s drug tester secures £2.6m funding

    Local company Cytox, who provide genetic testing facilities for Alzheimer’s Disease, has secured a £2.6m funding package. Based at the Alderley Park BioHub, Cytox will...

  • Cheshire crime stats “inadequate”

    Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC) has released a detailed report today (June 15) which highlights its findings about Cheshire Constabulary’s crime recording processes. A...

  • Get your tickets for the Blue Light Open Day!

    On Sunday, 16 July the doors of Cheshire Constabulary HQ will open for the public to see the work that Cheshire’s police and fire services...

  • Arighi Bianchi’s reception blooms

    The Flower House at Arighi Bianchi have moved front of house, offering a fragrant welcome to customers. Flower House Co-owner, Beverley Coghlan told ilovemacc: “We’re delighted...

  • DogFest

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