Tuesday, 3rd September
Pram Fit / Outdoor Fitness Taster Class
A fantastic way to get back in shape after the birth of your child, with personal trainer Kelly Morley.
Anyone can come to the class at any level of fitness. No experience needed. Any pram is fine, and the even better news is that you don’t need child care as you bring your baby with you. There are a variety of exercises including toning, cardio and sometimes the boxing gloves come out for some fun! Booking in advance is essential.
This event repeats every first Tuesday of the month.
Time: 10.00am to 11.00am
Meeting point: Astbury Mere Country Park, Sandy Lane, off A34 Newcastle Road, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4FR (SJ846627)
Leader: Personal Trainer Kelly Morley
Information: 07803 245590 or email hnb@kellymorley.co.uk
(Places limited – please book in advance / Please wear suitable footwear and clothing / Healthy Walk – Event / Full accessibility – level or ramped access. Accessible toilets available / Children must be accompanied by an adult)

Wednesday, 4th September
Nature’s Bounty
A morning walk along the Biddulph Valley Way and around Dane-in-Shaw Pasture Site of Special Scientific Interest looking to see what wild foods can be found in your local countryside.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £4.
Tickets will be available to book 2 months prior to event date: 04/07/2019
Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm
Meeting point: Henshall Hall Drive (park on road just before canal), Congleton, CW12 3TA (SJ876622)
Leader: Cheshire East Countryside Ranger Cal Sherratt
Information: 01260 297237
(Please bring suitable shoes and clothing / Wildlife Walk – Event / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Easy to Moderate walking grade / Places limited – please book in advance)

Sunday, 8th September
Navigation for Beginners
Come and learn basic navigation skills on an easy going day which includes 2 hours in the morning learning basic navigation techniques, then spending the afternoon taking turns at leading the group and using the skills learnt in the morning.
All maps and compasses provided, but feel free to bring your own compass if you wish to practise with it. Suitable for anyone over the age of 16. Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £11.50.
Tickets will be available to purchase 2 months prior to event date: 08/07/2019
Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm
Meeting point: Nelson Pit Visitor Centre, Lyme Road, Higher Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1TH (SJ945833)
Leader: Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Ed Pilkington
Information: 01625 383700
(Moderate walking grade / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Bring a packed lunch / Please leave your dog at home / Suitable for anyone over the age of 16)

Sunday, 8th September
Dog Behaviour Clinic with Vic Barlow, the Dogfather
Many owners of otherwise obedient dogs have trouble maintaining behaviour on walks. Dogs that will come when called in the garden often go deaf when they meet other dogs. Walking quietly to heel is often a problem in a more distracting outdoor environment.
During this short outdoor behaviour class, at Tegg’s Nose Country Park, Vic will demonstrate, in a more natural environment, how to transfer good obedience work into the real world and also essential techniques for dealing with livestock encountered during walks in the countryside.
Following this free session there is the option of a short paid ‘one to one’ training session with Vic (Cost £10 – any funds raised will be donated to Animal Support Volunteers).
Booking in advance is essential. Please email vic@vicbarlow.com to also book a ‘one to one’ session.
Time: 10.00am to 12.30pm
Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Leader: Local Dog Trainer Vic Barlow – www.vicbarlow.com
One to One dog training booking: Email vic@vicbarlow.com to book your session
Information: 01625 374833
(Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Places limited – please book in advance / Easy walking grade / Car parking charge / Partnership event / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments)

Friday, 13th September
Plein Air Painting at Tegg’s Nose Country Park
with Northern Realist
If you’ve ever wanted to get out of the studio and paint outdoors, this series of workshops with classically trained artists Christopher Clements & Kieran Ingram, will guide you through everything you need to know. Both Kieran and Christopher are professional artists, Kieran has featured on Sky Landscape Artist of the Year and Christopher is the director of Northern Realist Drawing & Painting in Manchester.
You’ll learn an approach which will enable you to interpret and arrange the tones and colours of the landscape allowing you to evoke the simple beauty of your environment.
Work at your own level in a small friendly group, meet like minded artists and enjoy the beautiful scenery! All equipment is provided but you’re welcome to bring your own, a list will be provided.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £59.
Time: 10.00am to 3.30pm
Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Leader: Artists Chris Clements and Kieran Ingram from Northern Realist
Information: Email Northern Realist or visit the Northern Realist website
(Places limited – please book in advance / Easy walking grade / Partnership event / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Car parking charge / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Please leave your dog at home / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments)

Sunday, 15th September
Printmaking Workshop – Lino and Monoprinting
Local artists Patty Callaghan & Ann Robertson hope to encourage At Macclesfield Riverside Park there is a wealth of inspiration for images from wooded areas to wildflowers and the lovely River Bollin. Local artists Patty Callaghan and Ann Robertson hope to encourage others to look more closely at these surroundings and explore them on paper, producing their own response in print.
Both linocut and monoprinting will be offered and the course is suitable for complete beginners or those who are looking for further exploration of the media. Each participant should have a finished print at the end of the day.
Work completed on previous course is available to see on Ann Robertson’s website
Booking and payment in advance is essential. All participants must be 16 years or older. Cost £45.
Participants will need to bring their own lunch but tea; coffee and biscuits will be available throughout the day.
Time: 9.45am to 4.15pm
Meeting point: Riverside Park Ranger Centre, Beechwood Mews, Beech Lane, Macclesfield, SK10 2SL (SJ914745)
Leaders: Local artists Patty Callaghan and Ann Robertson
Information: Ring 07791 504971 or email Patty & Ann
(Please leave your dog at home / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Places limited – please book in advance / Full accessibility – level or ramped access. Accessible toilets available / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Suitable for anyone over the age of 16)

Sunday, 15th September
Dabbling with Dowsing
If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at the ancient art of water divining, now’s your chance. Local folklore and traditions enthusiast, Bollin Valley Partnership Ranger Euan Murray, will show you the techniques and then let you loose to try it out! Suitable for adults and accompanied children over 10. Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £4, children 16 or under go free.
Tickets will be available to purchase 2 months prior to event date: 15/07/2019
Time: 2.00pm to 4:00pm
Meeting point: Newgate Nature Reserve, Newgate, Wilmslow, SK9 5LL (SJ827811)
Leader: Bollin Valley Partnership Ranger Euan Murray
Information: 01625 374790
(Places limited – please book in advance / Please leave your dog at home / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 10 / Easy walking grade / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event)

Wednesday, 18th September
Countryside Crafts
Join Bollin Valley Partnership Rangers Nik and Emma to make a rustic basket or platter, from materials found on the nature reserve, depending on what needs pruning! Bring thick gardening gloves and secateurs as you will be weaving natural materials that you find, which may be prickly!
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £4.
Tickets will be available to book 2 months prior to event date: 18/07/2019
Time: 12.00pm to 3.00pm
Meeting point: Newgate Nature Reserve, Newgate, Wilmslow, SK9 5LL (SJ827811)
Leaders: Bollin Valley Partnership Rangers Nik Ginn and Emma Houghton
Information: 01625 374790
(Places limited – please book in advance / Easy walking grade / Partnership event / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please leave your dog at home / Please wear suitable boots and clothing)

Friday, 20th September
X-Hail The Hilltop Session
An Extended Chill Meditation Session in the midst of nature at Teggs Nose Country Park in Macclesfield.
Enjoy a unique fusion of meditation techniques featuring X-Hail’s signature approach of breathwork, gentle stretches and restorative chi-gung inspired movement, against a backdrop of blissfully mixed chilled chart classics and soothing aromatherapy blends.
This is for those who want to optimise health and well-being whilst experiencing a deep connection to the soul, channelling of chi and a good old confidence boost while enjoying stunning views of the Cheshire countryside.

Sunday, 22nd September
Autumn Equinox with Greenwood Growth
Give thanks for what we have with Greenwood Growth and others during this abundant time of the year. Honour the return of the darkness by making a candle. Discover and enjoy timeless stories, raise your energy levels in preparation for the cold ahead and share food cooked over the fire.
This is suitable for people of all ages, Stay for the whole session or drop in as you walk through the magnificent woodland.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £10 per adult, (up to three accompanied children free of charge with each adult ticket).
Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm
Meeting point: Teggsnose Reservoir car park, Holehouse Lane, Langley, SK11 0NB (SJ945718)
Leaders: Greenwood Growth
Information: 07801 655272
(Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Please leave your dog at home / Partnership event / Children must be accompanied by an adult)

Sunday, 22nd September
Boggy Doodles: Discover the Joy of Green Sketching
earn a new and relaxing approach to sketching outdoors that will help you enjoy and appreciate all the wonderful scenery and nature at Tegg’s Nose Country Park with fresh eyes. Suitable for all ages and artistic abilities — no ’talent’ or experience necessary.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £16. All equipment provided.
Time: 1.00pm to 3.30pm
Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Leader: Local artist Dr Ali Foxon
Information: Visit www.boggydoodles.com, ring/text 07940 573206 or email ali@boggydoodles.com
(Places limited – please book in advance / Easy walking grade / Partnership event / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Car parking charge / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Please leave your dog at home)

Sunday, 22nd September
Wild Food Walkabout – Rossmill
Join the Bollin Valley rangers on a foraging walk around Rossmill. We will be looking for fruits, seeds and flowers that can be found easily in the garden or in the countryside and sampling whatever we can! Suitable for adults and accompanied children over the age of 6.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £4, children 16 or under go free.
Tickets will be available to purchase 2 months prior to event date: 22/07/2019
Time: 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Meeting point: Rossmill, Hale Barns, Altrincham, WA15 0EJ (SJ789853)
Leader: Bollin Valley Partnership Ranger Emma Houghton
Information: 01625 374790
(Ideal for families and accompanied children / Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please leave your dog at home / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 6 / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Wildlife Walk – Event)

Friday, 27th September
Introduction to Nordic Walking – Bollington
Nordic walking is the fastest growing fitness activity in the world with a wide variety of people now regularly taking part in what was originally used by super-fit cross country skiers as a way to stay fit during the summer. However, it is not simply a case of grabbing a pair of poles and walking with them! It requires the correct technique in order to get the whole body working and it is essential you learn this from a qualified Instructor who will ensure you get the full benefit and fastest possible results. Introduction to Nordic Walking is a FREE session which will cover the basics and benefits to Nordic Walking. You will get to try out the poles and the technique, and is led by a qualified instructor from the Everybody Nordic Walking Programme. Booking in advance is essential.
Time: 10.00am to 11.30am
Meeting point: Adlington Road car park (opposite the recreation ground), Bollington, SK10 5JT
Leader: David Lambert, Nordic Walking Instructor for the Everybody Nordic Walking Programme
Information: 07593448403 (Easy walking grade / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Places limited – please book in advance)

Sunday, 29th September
Carrs Working Party and Clean-up
Help keep your local park looking good by joining the Friends of the Carrs and the Bollin Valley Rangers on some conservation tasks. This will include tree pruning, footpath work and litter picking. Feel free to join us for an hour or for the full day. Light refreshments provided.
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