Everyone is invited to gather together in Macclesfield Market Place, on Thursday 5th December at 6pm, in memory of loved ones, to sing carols and reflect on their memories at what can be a challenging time of year.
Helena Gowler, Community Engagement Officer for Macclesfield Town Council said ‘Christmas can be really tough when you someone you love is no longer here to share it with. It is such a busy time and sometimes it can feel like your loved one has been forgotten. The Tree of Light gives people the opportunity to come together and remember the people they love, together.’
On the lead up to the event, people are invited to write a message on a star which will be hung on the tree before the get together. Stars can be collected from the Visitor Information Centre, St Michael’s Church and the Macclesfield Cemetery Office. They will be available from Monday 14th October but must be returned to one of these hubs by Monday 11th November so that they can be prepared and hung on the tree.
People are encouraged to come along to the event on the 5th December to see all of the memory stars on the tree, to join in with the carols led by All Hallows Catholic College, and reflect in memory of someone special.
For any queries, please contact Helena Gowler at Macclesfield Town Council on admin@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk or 01625 374142.

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