Centuries ago we were strong, we were world leaders, part of a revolution and we were linked by a silvery thread to the centre of that revolution. Then by some trick of Time and Fortune it slowly fell apart and whilst others rebuilt we were left sleeping as a dormitory town. Time passed…
And then they mocked us; they said we had no Culture and when compared with nearby towns – where you could buy your designer clothes or Cartier watch – we were named as a good place to purchase a sack of potatoes.

So we awoke and decided to fight back. In Year 1 we showed them what could be Made In Macclesfield.
In Year 2 Saint Barnabas led a giant puppet parade of Macclesfield’s famous sons and daughters.
Next we showed our Metamorphosis from cultural desert to centre for arts.
Then we explored our cultural heritage through Industry – old and new. Now, in 2016, we are set to conquer Space, not only the stars but our own spaces, physical and metaphysical.
Our revolution continues.
The theme for 2016 is SPACE. Now is the time to start to plan and to build and to fashion costumes, floats, giant puppets, banners; to form music, dance and expression. We will show the world we have awoken and that we are a place of creativity – an Arts Space.
The Headquarters for our army of crafters is Macclesfield Community Artspace where you can find resources, ideas, help and support for your group to take part in Macclesfield’s finest showcase – the Barnaby Carnival Parade!
What does SPACE mean toYOU? Is it astronomy, planets, rockets, moon-landings and sky?
- ϖ Is it the stuff of science fiction? Storm troopers, Darth Vader, aliens, creatures from another world, Dr. Who and his adventures?
- ϖ Do you think of physical space – parks or cleared forests? Spaces for certain people or animals; spaces for particular activities?
- ϖ Or is SPACE something less tangible, more esoteric – the space in your head or your heart? The space you find in silence or contemplation?
Whatever you create there is Space for it in the Barnaby Parade – and remember that parading is all about using the space – making your constructions large, loud, full of movement. We want to fill the space in varied ways. This year we will particularly look to use the space in the streets imaginatively – so as the parade passes expect the unexpected.
Space Cadets and Seasoned Campaigners are welcome to get involved. We need lots of volunteers to take on special roles in the parade. Come along to our PARADE LAUNCH, which is also Artspace’s 2nd Birthday Celebration and Volunteer Recruitment event:
Tuesday, 20th October, 2015, 7p.m. at Macclesfield Community Artspace.
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