Where do all the Spooks and Ghouls go to relax after a busy Halloween’s haunting?
The Graveyard Café on lower Mill Street of course!
Join in the fun of the lower Mill Street Festival from 11am to 4pm on Saturday, 1st November.
The road will be closed for the duration and there will be free parking at the nearby Duke Street car park.
So put on your spooky attire, eat some spooky treats, listen to live music, get crafty in the ArtSpace craft Gazebo and visit the local food stalls.
There’ll be prizes for the best children’s and adult’s fancy dress and our local clairvoyant will be in residence.
The ArtSpace team will also be on hand to let you know what we’ve been up to in our first year at the Heapy Street Premises, give you details of our current and future projects and let you know how you can join in the fun.
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