A new play by award-winning playwright Kevin Fegan, featuring Michelle Todd as Bess.
A female story of survival and astonishing business success in the brutal world of Elizabethan politics, as witnessed first-hand by “Bess of Hardwick”. Born a farmer’s daughter, Bess rose to become the richest woman in Elizabethan England. She created the Cavendish dynasty, built Chatsworth House and Hardwick Hall and became a maker of queens. Bess was the closest female friend and Lady-in-Waiting to Elizabeth I and, at the same time, confidante to Mary Queen of Scots, whom Bess and her 4th husband (the Earl of Shrewsbury) kept under “house-arrest” for over 15 years until Mary’s execution. They visited Buxton to “take the waters” on more than one occasion.
£15, children £10
Pavilion Arts Centre
To book, call the Box Office on 01298 72190 www.buxtonoperahouse.org.uk

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