The Ranger Service and our event partners have lots of great events coming up for you to book onto. Please don’t forget that most of our events are bookable in advance so please don’t leave it to the last minute!
Monday, 1st August to Friday, 5th August – Moorland Adventure Summer Kids Activity Club – Week Two
A great way to experience some varied exciting activities in the countryside with local experts Moorland Adventure! Each day focuses on different activities and will give you a taste of adventure! Suitable for anyone between the ages of 8 and 16. Booking and payment in advance is essential. All day 2 and 4 participants must be “Water confident”.
Day 1 – Monday 1st August – Archery, Orienteering and Problem Solving
Day 2 – Tuesday 2nd August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 3 – Wednesday 3rd August – Climbing and Scrambling at The Roaches
Day 4 – Thursday 4th August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 5 – Friday 5th August – Bushcraft, Shelter Building and Tree Climbing
Cost £37.50 per day or sign up for all 5 days for a reduced price of £160.
Activities run from 9.00am to 4.00pm but to allow for maximum flexibility, you can drop off your child from 8.30am and collect at any time between 4.00pm and 5.00pm.
Please bring a packed lunch and drinks with you each day or you can purchase a packed lunch option (including sandwich, drink and snack) from Tegg’s Nose Tea Room on days 1 and 5. Breakfast and afternoon snacks are also available to purchase from the Tea Room before and after the activity club sessions on days 1 and 5.
Time: 8.30am to 5.00pm on each day
Days 1 and 5 Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Day 2 and 4 Meeting point: Rudyard Lake, Rudyard, ST13 8RN (SJ950580)
Day 3 Meeting point: The Roaches, Roach Road, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8UB (SK00416212)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Suitable for anyone between the age of 8 and 16 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Partnership event / Bring a packed lunch / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments / Car parking charge) |
Tuesday, 2nd August – Pram Fit / Outdoor Fitness Taster Class
A fantastic way to get back in shape, after the birth of your child, with personal trainer Kelly Morley. Pram Fit takes place every Tuesday, join us for your first taster class for FREE (further sessions are £6 each week).
Anyone can come to the class at any level of fitness. No experience needed. Any pram is fine, and the even better news is that you don’t need childcare as you bring your baby with you. There are a variety of exercises including toning, cardio and sometimes the boxing gloves come out for some fun!
Time: 10.00am to 11.00am
Meeting point: Astbury Mere Country Park, Sandy Lane, off A34 Newcastle Road, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4FR (SJ846627)
Leader: Personal Trainer Kelly Morley
Information: 07803 245590 or email Kelly Morley
(Please wear suitable footwear and clothing / Healthy Walk – Event / Full accessibility – level or ramped access. Accessible toilets available / Children must be accompanied by an adult / Car parking charge) |
Tuesday, 2th August – Bitesize Gritstone Trail – Walk 8 – Timbersbrook to Rushton Spencer
Sample some of the finest walking in Cheshire on these bitesize circular walks along parts of the Gritstone Trail, the 56km / 35 mile trail through Cheshire’s Peak District.
Part 8 of a series of 11 walks exploring sections of the Gritstone Trail. A 13km (8 mile) circular walk following the Gritstone Trail from Timbersbrook, over Bosley Cloud and to Rushton Spencer before returning via St Lawrence’s Church and The Bridestones. Muddy and uneven terrain in parts.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £5. Suitable for anyone over the age of 12.
Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm
Meeting point: Timbersbrook Picnic Area car park, Weathercock Lane, Congleton, CW12 3PP (SJ895627)
Leaders: Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Cal Sherratt
Information: 01260 297237
(Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 12 / Healthy Walk – Event / Historical Walk – Event / Bring a packed lunch / Strenuous walking grade) |
Wednesday, 3rd August – Meet the Longhorns
This is a unique event with a chance to come and see the Bollin Valley Partnership’s Longhorn cattle. Meet some of our amazing cows and calves with the Countryside Rangers on hand to talk to you about the importance of the cattle in the management of our country parks.
There will also be activities for children to help learn more about the cattle.
Booking and payment in advance essential by the 31st July. Adults £5, children 16 or under go free.
Time: 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Meeting point: Oak Farm, Altrincham Road, Styal, Wilmslow, SK9 4JQ (SJ834836)
Leaders: Bollin Valley Partnership Rangers Naomi Skimming and Euan Murray
Information: 01625 374790
(Ideal for families and accompanied children / Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please leave your dog at home / Please wear suitable boots and clothing/ Full accessibility – level or ramped access. There is a charge for this event) |
Wednesday, 3rd August – Introduction to Climbing at The Roaches
Another chance to experience the thrills of climbing in this introductory climbing session, with Moorland Adventure. Suitable for anyone over the age of 9. Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £15.
Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Meeting point: The Roaches, Roach Road, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8UB (SK00416212)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Suitable for anyone over the age of 9 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Healthy Walk – Event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Partnership event) |
Monday, 8th August to Friday, 12th August – Moorland Adventure Summer Kids Activity Club – Week Three
A great way to experience some varied exciting activities in the countryside with local experts Moorland Adventure! Each day focuses on different activities and will give you a taste of adventure!
Suitable for anyone between the ages of 8 and 16. Booking and payment in advance is essential. All day 2 and 4 participants must be “Water confident”.
Day 1 – Monday 8th August – Archery, Orienteering and Problem Solving
Day 2 – Tuesday 9th August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 3 – Wednesday 10th August – Climbing and Scrambling at The Roaches
Day 4 – Thursday 11th August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 5 – Friday 12th August – Bushcraft, Shelter Building and Tree Climbing
Cost £37.50 per day or sign up for all 5 days for a reduced price of £160.
Activities run from 9.00am to 4.00pm but to allow for maximum flexibility, you can drop off your child from 8.30am and collect at any time between 4.00pm and 5.00pm.
Please bring a packed lunch and drinks with you each day or you can purchase a packed lunch option (including sandwich, drink and snack) from Tegg’s Nose Tea Room on days 1 and 5. Breakfast and afternoon snacks are also available to purchase from the Tea Room before and after the activity club sessions on days 1 and 5.
Time: 8.30am to 5.00pm on each day
Days 1 and 5 Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Day 2 and 4 Meeting point: Rudyard Lake, Rudyard, ST13 8RN (SJ950580)
Day 3 Meeting point: The Roaches, Roach Road, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8UB (SK00416212)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Suitable for anyone between the age of 8 and 16 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Partnership event / Bring a packed lunch / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments / Car parking charge) |
Wednesday, 10th August – Fancy a Paddle – Four
Another chance to learn a little bit about canoeing and paddleboarding on the beautiful Rudyard Lake. The event is delivered by Moorland Adventure. Full instruction equipment and buoyancy aids will be provided.
Booking and payment in advance is essential. All participants must be older than 8 years old and be “water confident”. Cost £18 per person.
Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Meeting point: Rudyard Lake, Rudyard, ST13 8RN (SJ950580)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Please leave your dog at home / Suitable for anyone over the age of 8 / Partnership event / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Places limited – please book in advance / Car parking charge) |
Monday, 15th August to Friday, 19th August – Moorland Adventure Summer Kids Activity Club – Week Four
A great way to experience some varied exciting activities in the countryside with local experts Moorland Adventure! Each day focuses on different activities and will give you a taste of adventure!
Suitable for anyone between the ages of 8 and 16. Booking and payment in advance is essential. All day 2 and 4 participants must be “Water confident”.
Day 1 – Monday 15th August – Archery, Orienteering and Problem Solving
Day 2 – Tuesday 16th August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 3 – Wednesday 17th August – Climbing and Scrambling at The Roaches
Day 4 – Thursday 18th August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 5 – Friday 19th August – Bushcraft, Shelter Building and Tree Climbing
Cost £37.50 per day or sign up for all 5 days for a reduced price of £160.
Activities run from 9.00am to 4.00pm but to allow for maximum flexibility, you can drop off your child from 8.30am and collect at any time between 4.00pm and 5.00pm.
Please bring a packed lunch and drinks with you each day or you can purchase a packed lunch option (including sandwich, drink and snack) from Tegg’s Nose Tea Room on days 1 and 5. Breakfast and afternoon snacks are also available to purchase from the Tea Room before and after the activity club sessions on days 1 and 5.
Time: 8.30am to 5.00pm on each day
Days 1 and 5 Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Day 2 and 4 Meeting point: Rudyard Lake, Rudyard, ST13 8RN (SJ950580)
Day 3 Meeting point: The Roaches, Roach Road, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8UB (SK00416212)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Suitable for anyone between the age of 8 and 16 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Partnership event / Bring a packed lunch / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments / Car parking charge) |
Monday, 22nd August to Friday, 26th August – Moorland Adventure Summer Kids Activity Club – Week Five
A great way to experience some varied exciting activities in the countryside with local experts Moorland Adventure! Each day focuses on different activities and will give you a taste of adventure!
Suitable for anyone between the ages of 8 and 16. Booking and payment in advance is essential. All day 2 and 4 participants must be “Water confident”.
Day 1 – Monday 22nd August – Archery, Orienteering and Problem Solving
Day 2 – Tuesday 23rd August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 3 – Wednesday 24th August – Climbing and Scrambling at The Roaches
Day 4 – Thursday 25th August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 5 – Friday 26th August – Bushcraft, Shelter Building and Tree Climbing
Activities run from 9.00am to 4.00pm but to allow for maximum flexibility, you can drop off your child from 8.30am and collect at any time between 4.00pm and 5.00pm.
Please bring a packed lunch and drinks with you each day or you can purchase a packed lunch option (including sandwich, drink and snack) from Tegg’s Nose Tea Room on days 1 and 5. Breakfast and afternoon snacks are also available to purchase from the Tea Room before and after the activity club sessions on days 1 and 5.
Time: 8.30am to 5.00pm on each day
Days 1 and 5 Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Day 2 and 4 Meeting point: Rudyard Lake, Rudyard, ST13 8RN (SJ950580)
Day 3 Meeting point: The Roaches, Roach Road, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8UB (SK00416212)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Suitable for anyone between the age of 8 and 16 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Partnership event / Bring a packed lunch / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments / Car parking charge) |
Tuesday, 30th August to Friday, 2nd September – Moorland Adventure Summer Kids Activity Club – Week Six
A great way to experience some varied exciting activities in the countryside with local experts Moorland Adventure! Each day focuses on different activities and will give you a taste of adventure!
Suitable for anyone between the ages of 8 and 16. Booking and payment in advance is essential. All day 2 participants must be “Water confident”.
Day 1 – Tuesday 30th August – Archery, Orienteering and Problem Solving
Day 2 – Wednesday 31st August – Canoeing, Kayaking & Paddleboarding at Rudyard Lake
Day 3 – Thursday 1st September – Climbing and Scrambling at The Roaches
Day 4 – Friday 2nd September – Bushcraft, Shelter Building and Tree Climbing
Cost £37.50 per day or sign up for all 4 days for a reduced price of £130.
Activities run from 9.00am to 4.00pm but to allow for maximum flexibility, you can drop off your child from 8.30am and collect at any time between 4.00pm and 5.00pm.
Please bring a packed lunch and drinks with you each day or you can purchase a packed lunch option (including sandwich, drink and snack) from Tegg’s Nose Tea Room on days 1 and 4. Breakfast and afternoon snacks are also available to purchase from the Tea Room before and after the activity club sessions on days 1 and 4.
Time: 8.30am to 5.00pm on each day
Days 1 and 4 Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)
Day 2 Meeting point: Rudyard Lake, Rudyard, ST13 8RN (SJ950580)
Day 3 Meeting point: The Roaches, Roach Road, Nr Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8UB (SK00416212)
Leaders: Moorland Adventure
Information: 01625 573615
(Suitable for anyone between the age of 8 and 16 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Partnership event / Bring a packed lunch / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments / Car parking charge) |
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