There’s a definite feeling of seasonal change in the air as the Rangers patrol the sites we manage across Cheshire East. The unsettled weather comes at a time when the Rangers begin their conservation management planning for the months ahead.
As autumn and winter set in the habitat management work kick up a gear. These quieter months, for wildlife, mean that any work undertaken will cause less disturbance so you will often see Rangers and contractors on site undertaking large projects.
On top of this work, the Countryside Ranger Service have some spooktacular events for you to sign up for this month.
Take a look below for all the Ranger Service events taking place across Cheshire East this October and Halloween season!
Plus scroll to the very bottom of this email to learn about how you can join the Cheshire East People’s Panel to receive £150 of shopping vouchers
Tuesday, 4th October – Pram Fit / Outdoor Fitness Taster Class
A fantastic way to get back in shape, after the birth of your child, with personal trainer Kelly Morley. Pram Fit takes place every Tuesday, join us for your first taster class for FREE (further sessions are £6 each week).Anyone can come to the class at any level of fitness. No experience needed. Any pram is fine, and the even better news is that you don’t need childcare as you bring your baby with you. There are a variety of exercises including toning, cardio and sometimes the boxing gloves come out for some fun!Time: 10.00am to 11.00am Meeting point: Astbury Mere Country Park, Sandy Lane, off A34 Newcastle Road, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4FR (SJ846627) Leader: Personal Trainer Kelly Morley Information: 07803 245590 or email Kelly Morley
(Please wear suitable footwear and clothing / Healthy Walk – Event / Full accessibility – level or ramped access. Accessible toilets available / Children must be accompanied by an adult / Car parking charge)
Sunday, 9th October – Extreme Outdoor Fitness Session at Tegg’s Nose Country Park
A 2-hour extreme outdoor fitness session for those wanting something a bit different as part of their fitness regime! The session will involve a warmup and cool down with running, steps, hill sprints along with a variety of intense exercises!The class is not for the faint-hearted (suitable for intermediate to advanced fitness level attendees) but for those wanting a challenge and who like being in the outdoors in a fantastic country park! Suitable for anyone over the age of 18. Booking and payment in advance is essential. Cost £15.00.Time: 9.00am to 11.00am Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733) Leader: Personal Trainer Kelly Morley Information: 07803 245590 or email Kelly Morley
(Suitable for anyone over the age of 18 / Places limited – please book in advance / There is a charge, payable in advance, for attending this event / Car parking charge / Healthy Walk – Event / Partnership event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Please leave your dog at home)
Tuesday, 11th October – Heathland management – Conservation in action – Four
Lindow Common is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) which means we have to manage it to maintain its special heathland qualities. Unless we manage the self-seeding trees, the area will quickly revert to woodland and not the endangered lowland heathland we are protecting.Help the rangers to clear the birch trees from the site and make birch bundles for use on other sites as riverbank protection.Booking in advance is essential by 6th of October. Suitable for anyone over the age of 10.Time: 9.30am to 3.00pm Meeting point: Lindow Common Car Cark, Racecourse Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5LR (SJ833814) Leader: Bollin Valley Partnership Ranger Nik Ginn Information: 01625 374790
(Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please leave your dog at home / Partnership event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 10 / Partial accessibility – level or ramped access / Bring a packed lunch / Strenuous walking grade)
Sunday, 16th October – Bitesize Gritstone Trail – Walk 10 – Mow Cop to Nick i’ th’ Hill
Sample some of the finest walking in Cheshire on these bitesize circular walks along parts of the Gritstone Trail, the 56km / 35 mile trail through Cheshire’s Peak District.Part 10 of a series of 11 walks exploring sections of the Gritstone Trail. A 10km (6 mile) circular ramble starting from one of the Gritstone Trail’s most prominent landmarks.Booking and payment in advance essential by the 13th October. Cost £5. Suitable for anyone over the age of 10.Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm Meeting point: Mow Cop National Trust car park, High Street, Mow Cop, ST7 3PA (SJ856573) Leader: Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Matthew Axford Information: 01260 297237
(Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 10 / Moderate walking grade / There is a charge for this event)
Tuesday, 18th October – Willow Spiling – Conservation in Action – Five
By creating small living willow fences along the edge of the Bollin we are managing the erosive potential of the river and improving the river habitat. Help ranger Jim and volunteers from the Mersey Rivers Trust using materials grown on site.Booking in advance is essential by 13th October. Please wear wellies. Suitable for anyone over the age of 13.Time: 9.30am to 3.00pm Meeting point: Riverside Park Ranger Centre, Beechwood Mews, Beech Lane, Macclesfield, SK10 2SL (SJ914745) Leader: Bollin Valley Partnership Ranger Jim Middlemass Information: 01625 374790
(Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please leave your dog at home / Partnership event / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 13 / Partial accessibility – level or ramped access / Bring a packed lunch /Moderate walking grade)
Saturday, 22nd October to Sunday, 30th October – Tegg’s Nose Country Park Halloween Trail
Some spooky visitors are visiting the park this half-term! Can you explore the park and find them all? Buy a map from the Tegg’s Nose Tea Room for 50p and get searching around the top of the park.Each map purchased entitles you to a 50p discount off one hot drink from Tegg’s Nose Tea Room following completion of the trail.Please bring a pen / pencil with you and 50p in cash for the map.Time: Maps available to purchase between 9.00am to 5.00pm between the 22nd of October and 30th October Meeting point: Tegg’s Nose Tea Room, Tegg’s Nose Country Park, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733) Leaders: Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Service & Tegg’s Nose Tea Room Information: 01625 374833
(Please wear suitable boots and clothing / There is a charge for this event / Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments / Ideal for families and accompanied children / Car parking charge / Healthy Walk – Event / Partnership event)
Saturday, 22nd October to Sunday, 30th October – Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve Halloween Trail
Some spooky visitors are visiting the Nature Reserve this half-term! Can you explore the park and find them all? Pick up a map from near the visitor centre and get searching around the park.
Time: Maps available to collect between 9.00am to 4.00pm between the 22nd of October and 30th October Meeting point: Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve Visitor Centre, Davenport Lane, Brereton, Congleton, CW12 4SU (SJ794653) Leaders: Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Service Information: 01477 534115
(Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Ideal for families and accompanied children / Car parking charge / Healthy Walk – Event)
Sunday, 23rd October – Bitesize Gritstone Trail – Walk 11 – Mow Cop to Kidsgrove
Sample some of the finest walking in Cheshire on these bitesize circular walks along parts of the Gritstone Trail, the 56km / 35 mile trail through Cheshire’s Peak District.The final part of a series of 11 walks exploring sections of the Gritstone Trail. A 10km (6 mile) ramble from the man-made folly of Mow Cop to the southern terminus of the Gritstone Trail in Kidsgrove.Booking and payment in advance essential by 20th October. Cost £5. Suitable for anyone over the age of 10.Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm Meeting point: Mow Cop National Trust car park, High Street, Mow Cop, ST7 3PA (SJ856573) Leader: Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Service Matthew Axford Information: 01260 297237
(Children must be accompanied by an adult / Places limited – please book in advance / Please wear suitable boots and clothing / Suitable for anyone over the age of 10 / Moderate walking grade / There is a charge for this event)
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