Opening Times
The Cheshire County Show is open on show days from 8am – 6pm. Tickets are charged at the full rate throughout the day. Last entry to the showground is at 5pm.
Free Bus Service
Visitors planning a journey to this year’s Cheshire County Show will benefit from a free bus service to get them to and from the showground. The service has been funded and organised by Cheshire East Council and will run to and from Knutsford and Hartford railway stations.† For full details click here.
Visitors are welcome to bring their dogs to the show as long as they are kept on a lead and remain under control. Owners are also responsible for cleaning up after their dogs. Please note dogs are strictly not permitted in the Roberts Bakery Food Hall and Food Live Theatre, the Cheese Hall, or Poultry, Pigeon, Rabbit and Cavy Marquee.
First Aid
This is provided by the St. Johns Ambulance Service and North West Ambulance Services. First aid posts are situated between the Main Ring and Shire Ring, adjacent to the Show Jumping Ring and near the Flower/WI Marquee.
Lost & Found Children
will be dealt with by the St. John Ambulance Service. If a child (or other vulnerable person) is found, or reported lost, immediate contact should be made with St. John Ambulance Service or any show steward, show security or the police and St John Ambulance personnel will make their way to you.
Once reported people should wait until St. Johns or the police arrive.
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