Peak District and Derbyshire businesses have the chance to boost their green credentials at a free workshop in Bakewell.
‘5 Steps to a Better (and Greener) Business’ is on Thursday 14 September at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell DE45 1AE. The meeting will run from 9.30am to 4.30pm, and includes the opportunity to network over lunch.
The event is for businesses that are interested in achieving the Peak District National Park Authority’s Environmental Quality Mark (EQM) award or those simply interested in exploring how to make their business greener.
Organiser Lindsay Rae of Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire said “Protecting the Peak District and the environment is good for your bottom line, with business benefits ranging from gaining loyal, repeat-customers to reducing your energy bills. By attending this event you’ll gain some great knowledge to use within your business and it’s also fantastic opportunity to network with likeminded businesses.”
Faith Johnson of the Environmental Quality Mark Community Interest Company, who will be leading the workshop, said: “We will be looking at what it means to be sustainable and how Environmental Quality Mark companies do this successfully.’’
Booking is essential as places are limited: https://5_steps_to_a_better_greener_business_sept17.eventbrite.co.uk
For more free business support workshops, aimed at giving local visitor economy businesses a boost, see http://marketingpeakdistrictandderbyshire.eventbrite.com/
This programme of workshops are part of the £1.49million Growing the Visitor Economy in Derbyshire programme, which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Picture caption: Businesses are invited to share ideas about protecting the Peak District environment whilst benefiting their business.
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