Local MC club Gawsworth Jesters have organised a charity ride-out for Sunday 3rd July.
The Jesters are inviting everyone with two wheels and an engine to join them – either to cheer them off, or ride with them, from Congleton to Castleton and back – around 30 miles each way.
There’ll be a stop for lunch at one of the many cafes in Castleton and time to browse this beautiful village and its shops situated in the Hope Valley, Derbyshire.
Riders are asked to contribute just £5 which will all go to the Jesters chosen 2016 charity Prostate Cancer UK http://prostatecanceruk.org
Ensure your bike is fully fuelled and ready to leave at 10.45 from Ruby’s Fund Meridian House, Roe Street, Congleton CW12 1PG
We’re told the ride will go ahead come rain or shine. However, this being the north of England snow may be a problem!
Even if you’re not a bike rider – go along, drop a pound or two in a collection bucket – and help the Jesters raise badly-needed funds for this worthy charity

Gawsworth Jesters Bosley Disaster Appeal ride-out outside the Queens Arms in Bosley

Gawsworth Jesters Bosley Disaster Appeal cheque presentation at the Queens Arms in Bosley
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