The next talk in the Health Matters programme will be held on Tuesday 9th June 2015 and is entitled: Don’t mention the ‘H’ word – exploding the myths around hospice care.
The speakers from East Cheshire Hospice will be Helen Knight, Clinical Director, and Karyn Johnston, Head of Communications and Marketing.
The aim of the talk is to dispel the pre-conceived ideas around end of life care in general, and to give information on the facilities and services provided by East Cheshire Hospice.
The session will address some commonly held views of what to expect at the end of life, and where East Cheshire Hospice fits into the wider health and social care sector.
The talk will take place at Macclesfield District General Hospital’s Lecture Theatre on Tuesday 9th June from 7pm to 8pm.
Everyone is welcome to go along and find out more about this interesting topic.
To ensure there is a place booked for you, please email ecntstaff.comms@nhs.net, or phone on freephone 0800 195 4194.
Note: There is a new parking system in operation at the hospital. People attending Health Matters will not be charged for car parking. So that this can be arranged, you will need to specify your car registration number on booking a place. Either include this in the email booking your place, or when you register-in – on the evening.
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