Kate Bellis’s photographs show aspects of daily life in the Derbyshire hills.
The daily experiences of local communities, farming and family life in the Derbyshire hills are in the spotlight of the latest photography exhibition to come to Bakewell Visitor Centre.
The new exhibition by award-winning photographer Kate Bellis, titled ‘Imprints – Images from the Derbyshire Hills’, will be on display in the Peak District Photography Gallery from Tuesday May 17 to Tuesday June 28.
Kate studied photography at Nottingham Trent University before settling near Wirksworth, in Derbyshire, in the 1990s. She has a reputation for producing emotion-stirring black and white images capturing those moments that encapsulate the relationship between people, their way of life and the land around them.
Kate said: “I love storytelling and I have always been interested in people. I look for the very human stories wherever I am working.”
Her previous exhibitions have toured widely, reaching both rural and urban audiences, nationally and abroad. She has published two books, ‘On The Edge’ (2001) and ‘Gathering’ (2005) and her images have been published in many national and international newspapers and magazines.
Bakewell visitor centre manager Don Symonds said: “The landscapes and communities of the Peak District National Park are an endless source of inspiration – we hope people will visit the exhibition and be inspired themselves.”
Entry to the exhibition is free of charge, it is fully accessible and is open every day from 9.30am to 5pm.
People can keep up to date with what’s on at the Peak District Photography Gallery at www.peakgallery.co.uk.
For more details call Bakewell visitor centre on 01629 813227.
Image: Kate Bellis’s photographs show aspects of daily life in the Derbyshire hills.
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