Membership of the Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society for the 2015 – 2016 season costs £15 per person which covers entry to all meetings.
For those not wishing to become members a guest fee of £4 is payable on the door for each meeting. 18 year-olds and under are admitted free.
Please detach and complete the form below, returning it together with a cheque payable to Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society to:
Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society
c/o 87a Gawsworth Road
SK11 8UF
Membership enquiries: membership@litandphilmacc.org.uk
General: mail@litandphilmacc.org.uk
Telephone: 01625 421505
Thursday, 19th November 2015
The Hell’s Angels of Modernism
Italy 1908: the Futurists sought to represent the new age, and the violence with which the advent of Modern Art was born. Jennifer Richards teaches in the Department of Apparel in Manchester Metropolitan University. She is a member of the Association of Art Historians.
Tuesday, 19th January 2016
Amazing Technicolor: An Ancient Middle Eastern Comedy
(The original talk – Walking the Woods and the Water – has had to be postponed)
Walter Houston, Honorary Research Fellow for Biblical Studies at the University of Manchester. Walter is particularly interested in ethical and political aspects of the Bible.
Thursday, 18th February 2016
After Mandela: Political Parties and Democracy in South Africa
Tony Lemon lectured in Geography at Oxford University and is an Emeritus Fellow of Mansfield College and an honorary Fellow of the Society of South African Geographers. He is the author of six books and many papers.
Tuesday, 15th March 2016
Consciousness, the Physical World and Richard Rorty
James Tartaglia is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Keele University. He studied philosophy at University College London and completed his PhD on consciousness in 2001. His main interests are in reconciling the world-view of physicalism with the existence of consciousness. Much of his work has been about Richard Rorty about whom he has published a book and edited a four-volume collection.
Thursday, 21 stApril 2016
The Church at the Front: the Church of England and the British Army during the First World War
Michael Snape is the Michael Ramsey Professor of Anglican Studies at Durham University. He is an historian of Christianity and war in the modern world, focusing primarily on Great Britain, the British Empire, and North America from 1700 to 1950. He is the author of six books.
Tuesday, 17th May 2016
Egypt in the Roman Empire: Art, Culture and Everyday Life in a Roman Province
Roberta Mazza is Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Manchester. Her interests are in Roman and late antique Egypt. She is currently working on the unpublished Greek papyri from the John Rylands papryus collection, and is honorary academic curator of the Manchester Museum and Research Fellow of the John Rylands Research Institute.
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