The Macclesfield Silk Museum is one of the places to be this summer holiday, they have nots of activities on for children of all ages, some need to be booked so check them out and book your child/children’s place now!!
Wednesday 6th August: Spinners and Thaumatropes
Create Victorian Optical Illusions in our gallery. £2
Takes place at the Old Sunday School. 1.30pm-3.30pm

Saturday 9th August: Makers Macc Craft Day
Makers Days are a great opportunity for local makers and crafters to share their skills with others. Makers are invited to demonstrate different crafts and techniques they use. Visitors are then invited to ‘have a go’ at a new craft and make something to take home. There are a variety of handmade items on sale too.
Event runs 10am-3pm.
Free Entry. The event will take place at the Old Sunday School.
Saturday 13th August: Nesting Dolls
Design and make your own set of Russian Nesting Dolls in our gallery. £2.
Takes place at the Old Sunday School. 1.30pm-3.30pm
Saturday 16th August: Shabti Day
Visit West Park Museum for an Egyptian themed craft session. Children aged 6+ can take part in an Egyptian extravaganza! Under take an Egyptian themed scavenger hunt around the museum, design and create your own ‘shabti’ and learn hieroglyphs!
It costs £5 and due to limited spaced they MUST be booked over the phone on (01625)613210.
Runs 1.30pm-3.30pm at West Park Museum.
Tuesday 19th August: Storytelling in the Park
Children of all ages can enjoy a free story telling session at West Park Museum. Join us between 2pm-3pm and 3.30pm-4.30pm for an interactive story telling experience, adults must accompany children.
Free. West Park Museum.

Wednesday 20th August: Victorian schoolroom experience
Visit Ma’am in the schoolroom at 2pm and 3pm for a lesson you will never forget! Suitable for children and adults – and children must be accompanied.
Costs £2.00 for a full lesson.
Takes place at the Old Sunday School
Wednesday 20th August: Victorian Art Lesson
Take part in a victorian style art lesson in the gallery. £2.
Takes place at the Old Sunday School. 1.30pm-3.30pm
Wednesday 27th August: Decorative Boxes
Make your own special box to keep your treasures in. £2
Takes place at the Old Sunday School.1.30pm-3.30pm

Children’s Craft Club: Butterflies, Moths and Insects.
Thursday 7th and Friday 8th August – 10am-12noon
Children will be making 3D models of butterflies, moths and insects using a variety of materials.
Children’s Craft Club: 3D Seashore Scenes
Thursday 14th and Friday 15th August – 10am-12noon
Pretend you are at the seaside by making a 3D seashore scene.
Children’s Craft Club: Symmetrical Workshop
Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd August- 10am-12noon
This workshop will be looking at shapes and symmetry, then children will be asked to create a picture using different shapes.
Children’s Craft Club: Mosaic Workshop
Thursday 28th and Friday 29th: 10am-12noon
This workshop will focus on the art of mosaics – children will learn how to create mosaics and then will be asked to create their own mosaic!
Teenage Art Class: Cartoon Art
Thursday 8th August – 12.30pm-3.30pm
Write, Design and Draw your own cartoon and comic book.
Teenage Art Class:
Aboriginal Art Thursday 14th August – 12.30pm-3.30pm
Discover aboriginal art techniques and create a painting to take home, using aboriginal techniques.
Teenage Art Class: Jewellery Making Workshop
Thursday 21st August – 12.30pm-3.30pm
Design and make items of jewellery.
Children’s Craft Club: Mosaic Workshop
Thursday 28th August -12.30-3.30pm
This workshop will focus on the art of mosaics, children and teenagers will then be asked to create their own mosaic!
Also check out these fab comic workshops!

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