Macc Art Lounge
Macc Art Lounge opens its latest exhibition – More about Buildings and Trees on March 9th.
The exhibition is open every Thurs, Friday Saturday 11:00am – 4:00pm from 9 March – 18 March. Admission Free.

The Mortuary Room by Richard Chadwick

The Cabaret Rooms by Richard Chadwick
The title of the exhibition references not only the theme of the exhibition and the work of the participating artists, but the coming together of the urban and natural environments that are so often seen as divided and mutually exclusive.Richard Chadwick is a multi media artist and designer whose work explores architectural notation as narrative form. Richard has worked as a designer on a number of buildings in the centre of Manchester and his extraordinary art draws from that design experience, imagining and constructing alternative pasts for these buildings, alternative futures and alternative memories. Richard runs an award winning interior design practice and has previously exhibited at Ikon Gallery in Birmingham and was awarded a commendation medal at the Derbyshire Open –

Casting of Shadows by John Eastwood

Sharing the Skyline by John Eastwood
John Eastwood is a landscape photographer specialising in the light and nature of the North West landscape. Inspired by the mythology, tradition and story of the landscape, John produces large format archival limited edition prints of his often ethereal work. For this exhibition, John has especially produced a number of unique anaglyph 3D prints. Viewed through special 3D glasses the images transform from amorphous shapes into landscapes that encompass you – taking you from being a viewer to a participant –
The three-dimensional nature of Richard’s work and the inclusion of the anaglyph landscape images make for compelling viewing and provide an almost tangible experience. 3D glasses are provided!
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