Paul Talbot-Greaves, a prolific landscape painter and writer from the North of England, will be demonstrating his talent in a demonstration at All Saints Church Hall, Brough Street West on Friday evening, 20th March, from 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm
Among his many accolades he was elected as a companion of the International Guild of Artists in 1996 and as an Associate of the British Watercol-our Society in 1998.
He was made a Professional Associate of the Society for All Artists in 1997 and in 2002 was elected as President of the Halifax Art Society.
In 2003 he was made an advisory panellist of the SAA. He also sits on the advisory panel for Artists and tistiators magazine.
Everyone welcome – bring a friend.
Admission £4.00 includes light refreshments.
Out of respect for the artist please be seated by 7.00 pm

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