Exhibition: ‘Transition’ focuses on the artwork of Alice Beech, Nichola Eardley and Puff Williams; all HNC Art & Design Students from Macclesfield College.
The exhibition has it’s roots in the significant structural changes that are currently happening in and around the Macclesfield area, producing artwork in response to observations of these transitional aspects and changing local spaces.
Venue: Macc Art Lounge, Unit 20, 27-29 Market Place, Grosvenor Shopping Centre, Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK10 1DY
Website: https://www.facebook.com/maccartlounge/
Twitter: @maccartlounge | https://twitter.com/MaccArtLounge
Tel: 07486696420

Description: A fantastic exhibition looking at the work of three HNC Art & Design Students from Macclesfield College: Alice Beech, Nichola Eardley and Puff Williams. ‘Transition’ focuses on the artwork of Alice Beech, Nichola Eardley and Puff Williams; all HNC Art & Design Students from Macclesfield College. The exhibition has it’s roots in the significant structural changes that are currently happening in and around the Macclesfield area, producing artwork in response to observations of these transitional aspects and changing local spaces.
Puff Williams’s artwork focuses on the development of light and movement found from the view through one window. Inspired by printing approached used in a recent exhibition at the Whitworth ‘Raqs Media Collective’.
Nichola Eardley’s artwork focuses on the architecture and moody landscapes of the historical potteries in Stoke-On-Trent, producting richly worked pieces, with stitch, textile, print, typeface and paint sitting side by side in much of her work.

Alice Beech is interested in incorporating source materials in her work. E.g. the use of building materials such as cement, and sand expressing texture and surface rather than subject.
“Within the project I’ve been influenced by the vast amount of window tax sources in Macclesfield, and the story they express through variation found within the formal elements especially: colour, shape, line, composition and texture”.
Alice’s current work deals with the transitional effects of time on buildings, as well as, the contemporary effects of an abandoned window tax on our current architecture. Alice initially started her project in the Grosvenor Shopping Centre, Macclesfield looking at the demolition site, documenting the deconstruction process in the initial phase of the current expansion of the shopping centre.
Macc Art Lounge organise pop up exhibitions in borrowed spaces, promoting artists to a diverse audience. No fixed abode, with a permanent agenda of engaging artists with their audience. We’re creative partners with East Street Arts a National Portfolio Organisation for the Arts Council. If you’re interested in exhibiting with Macc Art Lounge please contact maccartlounge@btinternet.com
Date: 1st February to 10th February 2018
Opening Times: Thursdays/Fridays and Saturdays (11am-4pm) and Treacle Market Sundays (11am-4pm)
Contact: Macc Art Lounge | Tel: 07486696420 | Email: maccartlounge@btinternet.com
Admission: Free – All Welcome!

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