Welly Walk and Nature Needs You

Join the RSPB Macclesfield Wildlife Explorers on Saturday 10th October for a free virtual outdoor and nature themed event.

The event – Welly Walk and Nature Needs You – will run on the Macclesfield Town Council Facebook page from 10 am to 2 pm. https://www.facebook.com/seemacclesfield

The popular storytelling will return with tales from both the Mayor of Macclesfield, Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake and local storyteller Emily Anslow. The creepy crawlies will also be featured on the day so tune in for a guided tour of the mini beasts. Mother Nature will be making a special appearance to remind us all to look after our precious plants and Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers will be providing video activities of outdoor themed activities to do at home.


Helena Gowler, Community and Events Manager for Macclesfield Town Council commented that ‘When Welly Walk and Nature Needs You comes around, we know that autumn is truly here. There is something special about the changing seasons and pulling wellies on to play outside. This year, sadly we can’t all gather together in the park but we can join in with the virtual event and use it to inspire our activities at home. With this event, we hope to inspire children and families to spend more time outdoors and making connections to the natural world, even when it is cold and wet!’


The free virtual event which is organised by Macclesfield Town Council, is designed to encourage outdoor play throughout the cooler seasons. This is the fourth time the event has been held and will be delivered together with Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers.


Queries should be directed to Macclesfield Town Council on 01625 374142 or admin@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk

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