Above: Kit Crane ‘caught’ a mole during a recent go at the Worst Children’s Jobs in History at Quarry Bank
Keeping the children busy during the holidays can often be a chore, but at Quarry Bank this summer you can turn hard work into fun.
‘Mr Ardgraft’ and ‘Mrs Slogg’ are looking for cobble collectors, thieving toe-rags and poop scoopers to help them complete their list of the Worst Children’s Jobs in History.

Jacob Taylor-Browne gives bird scaring a go.
The challenges combine Sir Tony Robinson’s captivating Worst Jobs series with the amazing archive at Quarry Bank.

Tony Robinson
Children can take part in a modern twist on some of the most exhausting, dirtiest and disgusting jobs the child workers had to carry out when they worked for the Greg family.
Other jobs in the series of fun tasks include scaring birds, catching moles and sweeping chimneys.
WHERE: Quarry Bank in Wilmslow, Cheshire WHEN: Throughout the summer holidays 10.30am to 5pm
Free event, normal admission prices apply.
For more details go to www.nationaltrust.org.uk/quarry-bank
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