Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


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  • Memorial service for Vulcan pilot

    Above: L-R: David Thomas, Barry Masefield and Alistair McDicken were the flight crew on-board XH558 for her first post-restoration flight in 2007. Test pilot Alistair...

  • Flipping good pancakes at Tatton Park Farm

    Join in the fun at Tatton Park Farm over the weekend of 2nd and 3rd March 2019, as visitors search for the all-important ingredients for...

  • Silk is the Soul – a new artwork for Macclesfield

    In 2017, artist Laurence Payot was supported by a Barnaby grant to create a new work which reimagined the town’s silk heritage using art and digital technologies. Last month,...

  • Third defibrillator for Chelford

    Chelford Together has won support from housebuilder David Wilson Homes for a third defibrillator for the village. The group was approached by Chelford Parish Council...

  • Co-op manager stole £4,000

    A Co-op assistant manager stole over £4,000 in cash but was caught on CCTV stuffing wads of notes into an envelope. Rachael Helen Bennett, 30,...

  • The Clink can help your business

    As businesses struggle to fill skills gaps across a range of sectors – with more than half of companies confessing to struggles in recruitment, the...

  • Death of the town centre

    If you think that Macclesfield’s town centre retail woes aren’t being shared across the country think on. Intu, the firm which owns the Trafford Centre...

  • British Gas scam

    If you have an elderly or vulnerable relative or friend please alert them to this scam. We knew this was a scam immediately as we...

  • Art Fair Cheshire 2019

    If you would you like to volunteer for this year’s Art Fair Cheshire there’s a Drop In information event on Tuesday 26th February, 4 pm...

  • Make it a special Mother’s Day

    This year, show your mum just how special she is on a day out with the National Trust. Spend some precious time together surrounded by...

  • Pride in the Park

    Cheshire East Council will once again be hosting its Pride in the Park event this summer, in celebration of the LGBT+ community. Ahead of this...

  • Fine for Director who threatened old couple

    Cheshire East Council’s trading standards service has secured a prosecution and heavy fine for a company director who threatened an elderly couple after they refused...

  • Cheshire East Ranger events for March

    Tuesday 5 March Pram Fit / Outdoor Fitness Taster Class – March A fantastic way to get back in shape, after the birth of your child,...

  • Tatton Park Scarecrow Festival

    Tatton Park Scarecrow Festival has opened its doors. If you need another excuse to visit it’s only just the middle of February – yet the...

  • Witnesses sought to fatal Congleton collision

    Police are appealing for witnesses to a fatal road traffic collision on Sunday in Congleton.  Following reports of a collision between a car and a...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac, Old Sunday School, Roe Street, Macclesfield SK11 6UT Recorded Information: 01625 423535Enquiries: 07534 920495 Tickets• can be purchased on the door, subject to demand•...

  • Disabled space dodgers

    The van was parked up by Hurdsfield stores and, as the side curtains were closed, appears to be lived in. The red car was snapped...

  • Sports complex for Alderley Park

    Alderley Park will open a new gym and sports complex to its growing on-site community and local residents in September. The new sports complex will...

  • It’s Brass!

    Silk Brass and Macclesfield Youth Brass band are holding a spectacular concert on Saturday 9th March at St Michaels Church, Market Place Macclesfield from 19.30....

  • Mike & The Mechanics

    English rock supergroup Mike & The Mechanics 2019 nationwide Looking Back Over My Shoulder Tour will be calling into Buxton on the 11 March. Mike & The Mechanics were formed...