Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


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  • Tytherington High School Parliament Week

    In the final event of Tytherington High School’s Parliament Week programme, local MP, David Rutley was invited to take part in a question-and-answer with students...

  • Stay safe this Christmas

    Many of the things we enjoy over the Christmas period, such as the fairy lights, candles, paper hats and decorations, can all be fire hazards...

  • Fire at Chester Zoo

    Last Saturday morning (15th December) Cheshire Fire & Rescue were called to a large fire at Chester Zoo. The blaze was in the Monsoon Forest...

  • Knutsford firm lands £52m Sellafield deal

    Knutsford digital control firm Wood has won a £52m contract to supply their technologies to the Sellafield decommissioning nuclear site in Cumbria. The 10-year deal...

  • Mental health chief confirms beds are to stay in the town

    At a meeting with local MP, David Rutley, Ms Sheena Cumiskey, the Chief Executive of Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Trust (our local mental health...

  • More new homes for Lyme Green

    Cheshire East looks likely to give Bovis Homes the go-ahead to build up to 330 houses on a former green belt site to the south...

  • Winter wellbeing – counterfeit or dangerous toys

    Cheshire East Council and its partners are offering a range of advice and support to residents on how to keep warm, well and safe this...

  • Buxton & Leek College Advice Evening

    Buxton & Leek College is hosting an Advice Evening in January and is welcoming everyone, from school leavers to those adults wanting to change their career...

  • Tatton Park are N.F.A.N. finalists

    Tatton Park has made it through to the finals of the National Farm Attractions Network annual awards*. The Farm has a diverse education programme that...

  • Arighi Bianchi raises money for Park Lane Special School

    Above: Georgia Edge (10) and Martha Hinchliffe (4) are pictured with friends and staff from Park Lane School – L-R Sue Coveney, Linda Dunn, Paul Bianchi, Angus...

  • AstraZeneca’s volunteer employees

    In 2018, employees from AstraZeneca, have helped local charities and community groups by volunteering over 900 days of their time to improve facilities for 35...

  • Recognition for 40 years of service

    Image above: (left to right) Chair Andrew McCloy congratulates volunteer ranger Derek Pay on 40 years service, in the company of Peak District National Park...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac Old Sunday School, Roe Street, Macclesfield SK11 6UT Recorded Information: 01625 423535 Enquiries: 07534 920495 Tickets • can be purchased on the door, subject to demand • can...

  • Macclesfield teenager jailed for manslaughter

    A 16-year-old boy has been sentenced to 10 years after being found guilty of manslaughter after a man was fatally stabbed in Macclesfield. A jury...

  • 40% increase for NY-Manchester flights

    The arrival of a new Boeing 767-400 means that United Airlines can increase the number of passengers it can fly from Manchester to New York...

  • Romanian man sought by police

    Bedfordshire Police has issued a country-wide appeal for information on a Romanian man, following a bank robbery in Luton on Friday (7 December) where a...

  • Cheshire Chief Constable cleared of all charges

    The chief constable of Cheshire Constabulary, Simon Byrne – who was suspended after being accused of bullying staff – has been cleared of misconduct. Mr...

  • Anti-social behaviour teenagers in court

    Four teenage boys who brought misery to the lives of residents have been punished for their actions. The 15-year-old ringleader of the group, who cannot...

  • Arley Hall season tickets

    Arley Hall season tickets for 2019 are now available. Benefits include twelve months access to the Hall, Gardens, Grove & Woodland Walk, Chapel, Adventure Play...

  • MP drops in to thank posties

    At this busy time of year, local MP, David Rutley,visited Macclesfield Delivery Office, to thank Royal Mail staff there for all their hard work and...