Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


If you're interested in advertising on ilovemacc – email editor@ilovemacc.com and we'll get back to you with rates.

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  • Look, listen and enjoy

    Look, listen and enjoy Macclesfield’s Fallibroome Academy student – and star-in-the-making – Ellena Wilson Share this... Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Email Reddit Tumblr

  • You think you’re having a bad day . . .

    We’ll be running these for a while – just so you know it isn’t just you that has bad ones! Share this... Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp...

  • Rachel Bailey elected new leader of Cheshire East Conservatives

    Councillor Rachel Bailey is the new leader of the Conservative group on Cheshire East – and is expected to be voted in as the new...

  • Fancy a new challenge in the New Year?

    Police & Crime Commissioners from across the North West are seeking volunteers to sit on Police Misconduct Panels. Volunteers will assist in misconduct panels in determining...

  • Back to the classroom for First Team

    Tytherington School has teamed up with Macclesfield-based leadership advisor and former head of performance at Manchester City Football Club, Pete Lowe, to translate some lessons...

  • Swimathon 2016

    Image: Team Jaws from St Gregories School with Michael Drapes President Macclesfield Castle Rotary club and then Mayor Counc. Mrs Janet Jackson . Emulate last...

  • You think you’re having a bad day . . .

    We’ll be running these daily for a couple of weeks – just so you know it isn’t just you that has bad ones! Share this......

  • Astronomy picture of the day

    Reflections on the 1970s  Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, Univ. ArizonaExplanation: The 1970s are sometimes ignored by astronomers, like this beautiful grouping of reflection nebulae in Orion...

  • The Bay Leaf – a victory for common sense and good judgement

    It was the most ill-conceived plan since the (thankfully now defunct) Macclesfield Town Centre Redevelopment scheme. However, even I – one of that schemes strongest opponents...

  • Cat and Fiddle and A54 closed due to expected heavy snow

    Cheshire Police are advising motorists that Highways have closed the A54 and A537 Cat and Fiddle Road due to concerns of heavy snow and ice...

  • Handbag theft – police release CCTV image

    Police have released a CCTV image of a woman they’d like to speak to with regards to the theft of a handbag. The incident happened...

  • A53 from Buxton to Leek Closed due to accident

    The A53 road from Buxton to Leek is currently closed due to an accident between a lorry and 3 cars. There is snow on the...

  • Historic discoveries unearthed at Quarry Bank

    Archaeologists have unearthed a mystery at Quarry Bank that dates back more than a century. As the team working on the Upper Gardens restoration project...

  • MP joins underground movement

    David Rutley, the Member of Parliament for Macclesfield and co-chair of the Mountaineering All Party Parliamentary Group, gave his support to the benefits of caving...

  • Macc Lit & Phil

    The next talk, at the meeting of Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society, is entitled: Amazing Technicolor: An Ancient Middle Eastern Comedy. Speaker, Walter Houston, is Honorary...

  • A prosperous Christmas for Manchester Airport

    Manchester Airport has experienced its busiest Christmas in its 77-year history. with 1,509,721 flying through – a 5.17% increase on December 2014. An average of...

  • Don’t make old people mad

    An old man became very bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: “Dr. Geezer’s clinic....

  • Bay Leaf redevelopment – a cause for great concern

    The planning meeting to discuss the redevelopment of the Bay Leaf restaurant (old Wagon & Horses pub) at the foot of Grimshaw Lane in Bollington...

  • Cheshire East seeks to curb land banking

    Cheshire East Council is to ask the Government to do more to ‘get Britain building’ – to boost housing supply and relieve the pressure on...

  • Cheshire Decorative & Antiques Fair

    Fifty leading antiques and fine art dealers from across the UK come together this weekend – 9th and 10th January – at Tatton. Featuring a...