Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


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  • Council crackdown on sky lanterns

    Cheshire East Council is to ban tsky lanterns from all licenced events in the Borough. Cabinet member for communities Councillor Les Gilbert is set to...

  • M6 south closed near Stafford

    Drivers are being warned of long delays on the M6 in Staffordshire after a burning lorry melted a section of the motorway. The southbound carriageway between...

  • Bosley Wood Treatment explosion – a potential crime scene

    Rescuers searching for four people missing after an explosion devastated a mill have entered the site in what may become a recovery operation. The four-storey...

  • Bosley Tug of War Team

    A statement from Bosley Tug of War Team has been posted on their website: http://bosleytugofwar.co.uk  “Thank you to those people who have contacted us to express your concerns...

  • Explosions at Bosley Wood Treatment plant – four missing

    Following three explosions, at 9.15 am this morning, emergency teams were called to Bosley Wood Treatment. A four-storey building has collapsed and there are a number of...

  • Cheshire crime down again

    The latest crime statistics released by the Office of National Statistics show that crime continues to fall in Cheshire, with the county recording the third...

  • Drug drive arrest increase in Cheshire

    Cheshire Police has reiterated its warning about the dangers of drink and drug driving following the conclusion of their summer drink and drug driving campaign.Operation...

  • Back to school for MP

    Macclesfield MP, David Rutley, went back to school last week, to talk to pupils at Hollinhey Primary School in Sutton. David spoke to pupils about...

  • Macclesfield remembers Gallipoli

    Weekend of 15th & 16th August The work of Macclesfield Reflects, The Macclesfield World War One Commemoration Group, continues with a weekend of learning about...

  • Buxton Mountain Rescue scale the lofty heights of Market Place

    Residents of Macclesfield gave generously when Buxton Mountain Rescue scaled the lofty heights of Macclesfield’s Market Place over the weekend. The mountain rescue team was formed in...

  • Microsoft calling, you have a problem!

    I had a phone call yesterday afternoon from Microsoft. The pleasant, but concerned man’s voice indicated to me that he was telephoning from the Indian...

  • Puss Bank pupils visit to Parliament

    Pupils from Puss Bank School in Macclesfield were greeted by local MP, David Rutley, when they visited the Houses of Parliament to ask him to...

  • Government commits £5m to new Alderley Park venture

    The Government has committed £5m to a project to help speed-up new medicines coming to the market.Chancellor George Osborne said a new Catapult in Medicines Technologies...

  • Bay Leaf ‘public consultation’ – a myth?

    Hopefully you will have read our item last week on the proposed redevelopment of the Bay Tree Restaurant on Wellington Road in Bollington – “Redevelopment...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    CinemacHeritage Centre Roe Street Macclesfield SK11 6UTRecorded Information:01625 423535
Enquiries:07871 422937Monday 13 July to Thursday 23 JulyMonday 13 JulyMinions (U) 5.30Terminator: Genisys (12A) 8.00Tuesday 14 JulyMinions (U) 5.30Terminator: Genisys (12A)...

  • Tatton Park boosts Cheshire tourism’s new high

    Visitor numbers in Cheshire have hit a record high with numbers exceeding 45m – an increase of 10m people over 2009 – and a 6.4%...

  • Museum of policing open day

    The Museum of Policing in Cheshire is holding an Open Day at Arpley Street Police Station in Warrington on Saturday 1st August 2015. The event,...

  • New President for Macclesfield Castle Rotary Club

    Pictured: President James Anderton front centre being congratulated by retiring President Michal Drapes right with Ray Kramer President elect ; Alan Bishop Hon Secretary, Keith Dobson...

  • Council revises Alderley Park plans

    Cheshire East Council’s Cabinet has approved a revised masterplan to develop Alderley Park as a key life sciences business cluster. The Alderley Park Development Framework...

  • Council crackdown on scams

    Cheshire East Council has joined forces with partners as part of a crackdown on conmen. Working with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and the National...