Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


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  • What’s on at Cinemac

    CinemacHeritage Centre Roe Street Macclesfield SK11 6UTRecorded Information:01625 423535
Enquiries:07871 422937 Monday 4 AugustGuardians of the Galaxy (12A) 2.00, 5.00, 8.00Tuesday 5 AugustGuardians of the Galaxy (12A) 2.00,...

  • Further charges in Terra Nova school investigation

    Police investigating sexual abuse at Terra Nova School near Holmes Chapel in the 1970s have charged a 71-year-old man with further offences. Keith Cavendish-Coulson, of...

  • Cheshire Game & Country Fair

    AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY Saturday, Sunday & Monday August 23rd, 24th, & 25th This popular event is now in its 7th year, its three main show arenas...

  • Cycle and Sports tenants lined up for Jordangate development

    Tenants lined up the proposed new development (http://www.ilovemacc.com/2014/07/29/new-jordangate-development-will-boost-footfall/) on Jordangate have confirmed their interest. PEAK Cyclesport, currently the largest premium cycle retailer in the town,...

  • Artists paint the town in Charity Art Fair challenge

    Five established artists have come together to create five significant works of art, using Macclesfield as their inspiration. The pictures will be sold as part...

  • Cheshire business insolvencies lowest since records began

    The Insolvency Service has released the insolvency statistics, for Cheshire, for the period April to June 2014. The company liquidation rate (i.e. the percentage of...

  • Cheshire Police report success in tackling domestic abuse

    2014 saw the introduction of new legislation which seeks to give additional protection against domestic abuse. In addition to Clare’s Law, DVPNs (Domestic Violence Protection...

  • Cinemac – Live Event update – Doctor Who

    CinemacHeritage Centre Roe Street Macclesfield SK11 6UTRecorded Information:01625 423535
Enquiries: 07871 422937 Live Event tickets are available • online at cinemac.org.uk • at Macclesfield Visitor Information Centre, Town...

  • Macclesfield Triathlon

    The Macclesfield Triathlon, which takes place this Sunday, 3rd August, starts with a 400m swim in the 8 lane, 25m indoor pool at Macclesfield Leisure Centre....

  • Silkmen sign Spanish midfielder Gonzalez

    Macclesfield Town have signed Spanish midfielder David Gonzalez following a successful trial with the club. The 24-year-old is a former Spain Under-17 international who progressed...

  • Bodycote reports fall in turnover but 8.5% hike in profits

    Macclesfield-based engineering group Bodycote has seen its revenue fall by 1.3% in the half year to June 30 on a year on year basis. In...

  • Drink driving on increase in Cheshire

    Seven arrests were made for drink driving in Macclesfield in June, during a month long drink drive campaign. The summer crackdown carried out by Cheshire...

  • Art Fair 2014

    Art Fair 2014 will run from Saturday 27 September – Saturday 4 October at Macclesfield’s historic Old Town Hall.  Over 100 local and regional artists will be exhibiting high-quality...

  • Iconic poplar trees lost

    ilovemacc has received a number of calls, from members of the public, regarding the loss of the five Lombardy poplar trees that stood behind 39-43 Churchside,...

  • Rossendale Annual Fete

    Rossendale Hall’s much celebrated annual fete takes place this Sunday 3rd August. A great day out for all the family, the fete offers games, great...

  • Town Council to provide £29k for C.A.B.

    Wilmslow Town Council has provided a £29,000 to enable the Citizens Advice Bureau North (CAB) to continue providing services in Wilmslow. The Citizens Advice Bureau...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac Heritage Centre
Roe Street
Macclesfield SK11 6UT Recorded Information: 01625 423535 Enquiries: 07871 422937 Tuesday 29 July to Thursday 31 JulyTuesday 29 JulyHow to Train Your...

  • Silkmen sign ex-Stockport winger

    Macclesfield Town have signed winger Adriano Moke following a successful trial. The 24-year-old spent last season in the Conference North with Stockport County, having previously...

  • New Jordangate development will boost footfall

    Plans have been submitted for a mixed retail/office development in Jordangate. The proposed new building will sit between King Edward House (formerly The Macclesfield Arms)...

  • Have you seen Poppa?

    Poppa went missing from farm near Tatton Park yesterday – any sightings? @socheshire@TattonEstateM @welovecheshirepic.twitter.com/8eCOEVtbdj Share this... Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Email Reddit Tumblr