Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


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  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac Listings Tuesday 16 January – Thursday 25th Monday 15th & Tuesday 16th One Life (12A) – 14:00, 19:30 Wonka (PG) 2h – 16:45 Wednesday...

  • Questions raised by new Cheshire East CEO’s former council

    Southend residents were kept “in the dark” following the sudden departure of its council chief executive according to a member of its council.  Rob Polkinghorne...

  • RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

    The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch 2024 is just around the corner – 26-28 January. The Big Garden Birdwatch is the UK’s biggest citizen science wildlife...

  • TV Licensing scam

    Keep your eyes peeled for yet another TV Licensing scam. The email won’t fool most of us, but if you have any vulnerable family members...

  • Green bin collection scheme failing?

    Cheshire East Council’s plans to raise funds appears to have hit the skids with nearly half of the residents needed rejecting the scheme. So far...

  • Legend – The Music of Bob Marley

    Fri 26 Jan 2024, 7:30pm – Buxton Opera House When you think reggae, there is only one name that comes to mind – the legend...

  • Lunar new year celebrations in Macclesfield

    As the Western end of the ancient Silk Road, Macclesfield celebrate its links with China and welcomes in the Year of the Dragon. 11:30am – Dragon...

  • Man charged following Macclesfield stop check

    A man who was arrested following a stop check on a vehicle in Macclesfield has now been charged. Wayne Gardner, was arrested at around 11.30...

  • Mental Health Forum

    New beginnings and future plans for the East Cheshire Mental Health Forum was the key focus when Macclesfield MP, David Rutley recently met with committee...

  • Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society

    Macc Lit and Phil Society’s season continues on Tuesday 16th January starting at the usual time 7.30 pm at Macclesfield Library. Ed Griffen spoke in early 2021...

  • Shoplifter found

    Thanks to response to publicity, police have apprehended the woman they were looking to speak to in relation to a shoplifting incident. Charlotte Tetley of...

  • The world’s greatest female anthems!

    Sunday 11th February – Buxton Opera House Having performed to audiences of up to 120,000 and backed by a band of world class musicians, these women...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac Listings 4th to 25th January Wednesday January 3rd Wonka (PG) 2h – 11:00, 13:45 Thursday 4th Wonka (PG) 2h – 11:00, 13:45, 16:30 Aquaman...

  • Courier fraud increase

    Courier fraud is on the increase. The fraud involves the fraudster contacting victims by telephone purporting to be a police officer or bank official. The...

  • Rambling on

    The first report for 2024 of the East Cheshire Ramblers. A lovely bit of sun for our annual New Years Day sherry-drinking walk to Lyme...

  • It’s the Fire Brigade’s turn!

    Cheshire Fire Authority has two sources of income; grants from government (33%) and council tax (67% ). For the last financial year in 2023/24, the...

  • Free trees for schools and communities

    Schools and communities are being urged to make their New Year a positive one – by planting trees. Just days away from the application deadline...

  • Time to have your say on police tax

    These are very tough times, perhaps not the best time for the police to be asking us if we’re happy to pay even more on...

  • New Chief Exec for Kinaxia

    Michael Conroy, a former chief executive of Palletforce, has been appointed CEO of Kinaxia Logistics. Michael has been recruited to spearhead the next phase of...

  • Man charged with sexual offences in Macclesfield and Congleton

    Detectives investigating sexual offences in Macclesfield and Congleton have charged a man. Lewis Spencer, 23, of Birch Road, Congleton, was arrested and subsequently charged with...