Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


If you're interested in advertising on ilovemacc – email editor@ilovemacc.com and we'll get back to you with rates.

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  • Patient benefits from ‘virtual ward’ technology

    Pictured above from left to right: Joseph Trajano – Patient Navigator, Respiratory Consultant Dr Marta Babores, Respiratory Consultant Dr Thapas Nagarajan, Jane Watson, Team Leader...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac Listings All tickets for Evil Dead Rise just £5. All Classic Child tickets for Mario just £5. Last few tickets remaining for NT Live:...

  • Macclesfield FC celebration

    Macclesfield Football Club will celebrating their back-to-back league victories this coming weekend in the centre of town. The Mayor of Macclesfield, the staff and team...

  • Deadline for free voter ID

    Time to apply for free voter ID ahead of the May elections is fast running out.  The deadline is 5 pm on Tuesday 25 April. ...

  • Macc Lit and Phil April meeting

    The next meeting of Macclesfield Literary & Philosophical Society is this Thursday evening, 20th April, starting at 7.30 pm in Macclesfield Library. David McCaddon’s talk...

  • Help save the Scarf Victoria Cross

    £550,000 has so far been raised and there is just two weeks remaining to raise a further £110,000. Can you help reach the target? The...

  • Peak walker dies near Pott Shrigley

    The North West Air Ambulance was called out following the collapse of a Peak District walker, just outside Pott Shrigley. Both Kinder Mountain Rescue and...

  • Buxton Opera House turns 120 this year!

    Buxton Opera House, celebrating its 120th Anniversary, is launching a special appeal to ensure it can continue for another century. As one of only a...

  • Barnaby Parade 2023 registration is open!

    Barnaby is back. With its first in-person parade since 2018 on Sat 17 June, once again taking to the streets of Macclesfield to provide a...

  • Saturday 15th April 2023 is World Art Day

    A day which is designed to reinforce the links between artistic creation and society. A day to shine a light on art, culture, expression and...

  • Quiz Night – Never Gonna Quiz You Up!

    Friday 19th May Arley Hall & Gardens, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 6NA. Are you ready for some 80’s & 90’s music nostalgia! Two of the BEST...

  • The 185th Royal Cheshire County Show – like no other!

    The Royal Cheshire County Show is gearing up to celebrate its 185th anniversary with a spectacular Show that promises to be bigger and better than...

  • PhD opportunity in the Peak Park

    The Peak District National Park Authority, with the Philosophy Department at the University of Sheffield, is offering a PhD studentship in Understanding Landscape Change. Starting...

  • Walks boost health and well-being

    Discover how walking in nature in the Peak District National Park can benefit your health and well-being on guided walks with the National Park rangers....

  • Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers

    Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers and RSPB Phoenix Groups run fun, hands-on nature activities for 6-19 year olds! Have you booked your family places for the...

  • Shrigley Hall support East Cheshire NHS

    Shrigley Hall Hotel and Spa will be partnering with ECHO Charity, between April 2023 – March 2024. ECHO helps East Cheshire NHS Trust go the...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Cinemac Listings Tuesday 11th Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) 1h 30m 10:30, 12:45, 15:15, 17:30 Dungeons & Dragons (12A) 2h 15m 19:45 Wednesday 12th Super...

  • Chestergate on the up?

    Regenerating Macclesfield town centre was the topic when local MP, David Rutley, met up with Chestergate independent traders. David met with Laura Mayall, owner of...

  • Macclesfield FC 5-0 City of Liverpool

    Highlights of the Silkmen’s 5-0 win over City of Liverpool Share this... Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Email Reddit Tumblr

  • Robbie Savage explains rise in ticket prices

    Image: Lewis Storey/Getty Images The cost of living crisis has hit every household – and football has not escaped the ravages of inflation. At Macclesfield,...