Welcome to I Love Macc

ilovemacc is the one-stop news, information and business website for Macclesfield and the ‘golden triangle’ of Prestbury, Alderley and Wilmslow.

If you have an event in the region – or a local news item you want to share – let us know.

If there's anything you would like to see featured regularly on our pages – you’d like to write a regular column for us, or have images you want to share – drop us a line.

Granville Sellars
Web editor


If you're interested in advertising on ilovemacc – email editor@ilovemacc.com and we'll get back to you with rates.

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  • What’s on at Cinemac

    Ant-Man and The Wasp return to the screen in time for half term with the new Marvel movie Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania! We will...

  • Starlight Walk 2023

    Starlight Walk is an opportunity for you, your family and friends to come together and walk a choice of a 2.5km loop, 2 loops for...

  • Macclesfield lady with Alzheimer’s facing removal from Sweden

    Above: Kathleen Poole with her son Wayne and daughter-in-law Angelica who are fighting her deportation from Sweden where she has lived for 18 years. Photograph: Angelica...

  • The South

    Sat 25 Feb 2023, 7:30pm – Buxton Opera House The South are an impressive 9 piece band who feature former members of The Beautiful South...

  • KT Tunstall

    Thu 23 Feb 2023, 7:30pm – Buxton Opera House KT Tunstall burst onto the music scene with her 2004 multi-platinum debut, Eye to the Telescope, which...

  • Fairport Convention

    Wed 22 Feb 2023, 7:30pm – Buxton Pavilion Arts Centre Fairport Convention have been entertaining music lovers for over half a century, having formed in...

  • It’s Not Unusual – a tribute to Tom Jones

    Sun 19 Feb 2023, 7:30pm – Buxton Opera House Just help yourself to the night out you deserve and let’s really start to live, as...

  • National Nest Box week – 14th to 21st February

    National Nestbox Week is an established part of the ornithological calendar. Celebrated from February 14th each year, it puts the spotlight on breeding birds and...

  • Women in Rock

    Friday 17 February 2023, 7.30pm Buxton Opera House Performing to audiences of up to 120,000 and backed by a band of world class musicians, these...

  • Young Conservationists: Introduction to Reptiles

    Are you in secondary school years 10-12 with an interest in the fascinating reptiles that live at the zoo? Join Chester Zoo Rangers for an...

  • Whirley Primary kids have green fingers

    Above: left to right: Georgia Robson, Layla Naughton, Vinnie Randall, Lilliana Millward, Eliza Isherwood and Alex MacBryde with Bellway sales advisor Chantelle Children from Whirley...

  • Closure order on third Moss estate property

    Macclesfield South Beat Team secured a third closure order on a property in the Moss estate following concerns over drug dealing at the address. The...

  • The NT & ROH return to Cinemac

    Dates and showtimes, for more information on each screening, click on the link below it. Tickets for all of these shows are available to purchase...

  • Entries for The Royal Cheshire Dog Show now open

    Entries into the Dog Show at the 185th anniversary Royal Cheshire County Show are now being accepted. For full information on the 2023 Show which takes place...

  • And Cheshire’s first solar farm is in . . . Crewe!

    Cheshire East Council is set to build a large-scale solar farm to generate renewable energy whilst reducing carbon emissions.  The 4.1 megawatt solar farm –...

  • Macclesfield optical team in the frame

    To coincide with National Apprentice Week (6-12 February), Specsavers Macclesfield is encouraging locals to sign up to its apprenticeship scheme. The Specsavers apprenticeship scheme is...

  • More regeneration projects for Crewe town centre

    If you’re one of those bemoaning the state of Macclesfield town centre read on. Cheshire East Council’s regeneration programme for Crewe town centre – involves...

  • Discover the Peak with National Park Rangers

    If you would like to explore more of the Peak District National Park – take a guided walk with the National Park Rangers. This season’s...

  • What’s on at Cinemac

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  • Aislinn O’Dwyer appointed Chair of East Cheshire NHS Trust

    Aislinn O’Dwyer has been appointed Chair of East Cheshire NHS Trust.  Working with Chief Executive, Ged Murphy, and system partners, Aislinn will now lead the...