Above: The driver of the white Hyundai reg number MW17 WTA ignores traffic signs stating left turn only, shortly followed by a cyclist with a death wish, who’s then followed by a driver who’s possibly colour blind and ignores a red traffic light – check out the full video below
Cheshire Police are currently making a huge deal of telling the public they are targeting motorists using their mobile phones whilst driving.
And, why not. The boys in blue just have to stop the offender – hit them with an immediate fine, dock a few penalty points, and they’re on their way. Hell they may even sign the culprit up to the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) – which is partly run and secures funds for The Association of Chief Police Officers – so it’s double pay day for Cheshire’s finest.
In the space of five minutes I encountered some lousy driving and riding – but of course the traffic police are nowhere to be seen – they’re almost certainly parked up chomping on their sandwich whilst checking every passing vehicle for mobile phone use.
There’s not doubt that mobile phone use is distracting and can cause accidents, but I’d argue that ignoring direction signs and traffic lights is much more dangerous.
Check out the white Hyundai reg number MW17 WTA who’s in the left hand lane at Hibel Road roundabout but decides he’s going to go straight ahead.
Instead of driving safely and turning left, then heading up to the next junction a few hundred yards away and coming back, it’s simpler to cut me up.
Does this cyclist have a death wish?
Within seconds watch out for the cyclist, in dark clothing and no riding hat, who comes from my left and cuts across just as I’m moving forward.
The driver of this car ignores the red light – it means stop!
Then, as I approach the junction of Black Lane and Hurdsfield Road watch out for the driver of the white Vauxhall (?) reg MV11 HGE who clearly exits Black Lane against a red light and sails through.
The movie says it all . . . all of this in a five minute period! Apologies for the Anglo Saxon language!
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