Bollington’s popular “Jazz at the Arts Centre” returns to Bollington Arts Centre after the summer break, with a visit from Roger Marks and Chris Walker’s “Pedigree Jazz Band” Tribute to Trad on September 6th.
The band is based in Cornwall and, as the name suggests, pays homage to the days when Humphrey Lyttelton, Kenny Ball, Acker Bilk and others headed the charts with memorable hits such as “Bad Penny Blues”, “Midnight in Moscow” and “Stranger on the Shore”.
The joint leaders of the band are long established members of the jazz community and each led bands in their own name before joining forces. A truly entertaining evening is in store for those lucky enough to attend.
After September, a varied programme brings to Bollington three of the most popular bands on the circuit. On 4th October the Savannah Jazz Band travel over the Pennines from Yorkshire for another evening of traditional jazz whilst, by contrast, November 1st sees the arrival of two of the best young talents in British jazz when the Adrian Cox Quartet have as their special guest Tom Kincaid, surely the finest jazz pianist in the land, for an evening of small group swing.
Finally, on December 6th Dave Mott’s Jazz Classics with Suzanne and another fine young talent in Jamie Brownfield on trumpet, voted number one rising star in the 2012 British jazz awards.
The concerts start at 8.00 pm. and the admission fee is £9.00. Tickets can be obtained by phoning 01625-574410.
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