Not quite as good a shot as I would have liked, but to be honest the mighty Vulcan was so low it was all I could do to actually get the huge aircraft in my viewfinder.
She flew gracefully, but loudly, over Woodford, returned for a second pass then was gone.
But the hundreds that had congregated on Adlington Industrial Estate to get a good view weren’t disappointed.
XH558 is all that remains in service of the historic cold war bomber.
Her airframe will run out of airworthiness hours this year and she’ll fly no more – so it was a real treat for us to say our goodbyes at her birthplace.

Busy roads and large crowds just about summed up every location that XH558 visited over the weekend – taking the opportunity to also include flypasts at Manchester International Airport and public events at Scarborough Armed Forces Day and Cleethorpes Airshow.
From best estimates, we believe over 150,000 people saw XH558 over this weekend – a really great boost in the group’s goal of ensuring that as many people as possible see her in 2015 – her ‘Farewell Season’ to flight.
Thankfully, ilovemacc received these excellent images from Keith Griffiths
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