Parents new and not-so-new are the driving force behind volunteer-led Macclesfield Barnaby Festival and organisers are looking to recruit even more volunteers to deliver the cultural, innovative and fun programme of events for Barnaby 2016.
From writing, stewarding, organising competitions, to distributing brochures, there are simply hundreds of roles that need filling, so if you’ve an hour or two to spare – be it a one off task or an ongoing project from now until the midsummer festival, get in touch by emailing and work together to find the right opportunity.

Volunteer Jody Sherratt and son, Noah
Image: Jody Sherratt
Long-term volunteer and Dad to Noah, Jody Sherratt commented: “I remember old-Barnaby when schools, shops and factories across the town closed for the week and many people went on holiday – I’m thrilled that it’s been reborn. I want my children to grow up in a town where culture is on their doorstep. I’ve done a bit of everything for Barnaby over the past few years from sourcing recycling facilities to organising printing – there’s a great atmosphere amongst the team and I’ve managed to fit in what I can around my day job and being a Dad.”

Volunteer Fiona Bailey with children Dan and Carrie Copson
Image: Fiona Bailey
Former trustee and ongoing volunteer, Fiona Bailey, whose role has switched from PR to photographer says: “I’ve found it exhilarating to be involved in Barnaby and have helped out where I can – I’d not worked whilst the children were small and found volunteering at Barnaby a great way to get my head around the world of work and learn some new skills in a fun and friendly environment.”
One of the organisers, Dan said: “Oh, and it’s not just parents we want to get involved – we welcome anyone to join our fun and dynamic team! The next open meeting is on Monday 23rd November, 7.30pm at The Tea Kitchen, Old Sunday School, Macclesfield, so why not come along and find out a little more?”
To get in touch with Dan call 07557 806503 or email
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