Membership of the Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society for the 2016-2017 season costs £20 per person which covers entry to all meetings.
For those not wishing to become members a guest fee of £5 is payable on the door for each meeting. 18 year-olds and under are admitted free.
To join, send details of your name(s), email address, postal address inc postcode and contact telephone number, together with a cheque payable to Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society to:
Macclesfield Literary and Philosophical Society
c/o 87a Gawsworth Road

Programme 2016/17
Thursday 15th September 2016
The Stanleys of Alderley
Clare Pye is Chairman of the Tabley House Collection Trust and has a particular interest in Cheshire social history. An honorary archivist at Manchester Museum, she is the author of Wilmslow and Alderley Edge: a History and Celebration.
Tuesday 11th October 2016
Writing the Literary Life of Bertolt Brecht
Stephen Parker is the Henry Simon Professor of German at Manchester University. He has a particular interest in Bertolt Brecht, Peter Huchel and German literature. His literary biography Bertolt Brecht: A Literary Life was published in 2014.
The AGM will follow the talk and discussion.
Thursday 17th November 2016
Walking the Woods and the Water
Nick Hunt is a writer and journalist who spent seven months walking across Europe from the Hook of Holland to Istanbul to discover what remained of kindness to strangers, freedom, wildness, adventure and the stories that flow beneath the continent’s surface.
Tuesday 17th January 2017
The Black Mirror
Raymond Tallis is a philosopher, poet, novelist and cultural critic. Until recently he was a physician and clinical scientist. In 2009 he was listed as one of the top living polymaths in the world. His recent book, The Black Mirror: Fragments of an Obituary for Life was published in 2015.
Thursday 16th February 2017
New Discoveries in Neolithic Orkney
Colin Richards is Professor of World Prehistory and head of Archaeology at Manchester University. He has worked in Orkney on the Neolithic period for 30 years, and more recently on Easter Island.
Thursday 16th March 2017
Becoming Jane: how the Women who wrote before Austen shaped her Novels
Ros Ballaster is Professorial Fellow in English at Mansfield College, Oxford. Her main interests are in 17th and 18th century culture, oriental fiction, women’s writing, critical theory and contemporary popular/mass culture.
Wednesday 12th April 2017
John Dewey and the Alexander Technique: a mutual influence
Jenny Eades has been an educator for 30 years. For the past 15 she has focused on the well-being of children and teachers, and this forms the subject of her PhD thesis in the philosophy of education. She is a member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.
Thursday 11th May 2017
The Emergence of Everything: where does Complexity come from?
Stephen Blundell is a Professor of Physics in Oxford University where he was Head of Condensed Matter Physics from 2008–2011. He is interested in how complexity emerges from simple laws: for example the flocking of birds or patterns in city development.

Membership enquiries:
General: mail@litandphilmacc.
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