Barnaby Festival 2018 – latest news

Open meeting…
Thanks so much to everyone who was able to join us at St Michael’s last month; it was a really productive evening, and more than one of us left the meeting refreshed and re-energised! If you weren’t able to make it, we’ve put the evening’s slides and minutes on the website here. We’ll be sharing the date of November’s open meeting soon.

…open call…
We’re also delighted to be able to launch an Open Invitation for ideas for 2018’s Festival. This is a hugely important part of the Festival, and it’s open to everyone – the only criteria are that you’ve got a clear suggestion about how your idea can be achieved, and by whom.

There’s a form (sorry…) on the website; please fill it in as fully as possible, and send it back to us by 29 September 2017. If you’d like the form in an alternative format, let us know by email:

…and great news!
Bringing the creative arts to all, and encouraging people to take part, is one of the most important objectives of the Festival. We were able to fund the new role of Community Outreach and Engagement Officer as part of our Research and Development project, but only on a short-term basis. We are therefore hugely grateful to the Taylor Family Foundation, whose recent extremely generous award means we can continue this work through to the next Festival, and beyond. A great big Macclesfield THANK YOU from all of us!

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