A six million pound fund to help boost local health outcomes has been approved by Cheshire East Council.
Nine schemes will benefit from the fund that was approved by cabinet today (12 June), covering areas such as ensuring there is continued provision of care following a service user returning from hospital, better Bank Holiday and weekend support and increased capacity and an improved range of specialist beds.
The improved better care fund will directly support three key care areas:
- Meeting adult social care needs;
- Reducing pressures on the NHS, in particular focusing on the reduction of delayed transfers of care; and
- Ensuring that local social care providers are fully supported.
Councillor Janet Clowes, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for adult social care and integration, said:

Cllr Janet Clowes
“The improved better care fund has been created to support some of our most vulnerable residents to provide better-integrated health and social care services.
“Getting this go-ahead today enables us to work with our partners to reduce the amount of time people need to spend in hospital and to provide the resources that will enable people to enjoy happier and more independent lifestyles within their own homes, which is a priority for Cheshire East and the NHS.
“It is another example of our commitment to providing the right care in the right place at the right time.”
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