Ask Real Estate has pulled out of the planned development on Macclesfield’s Churchill Way – which hopefully means the project is dead in the water.
They say it follows detailed consideration, especially around the ongoing challenges in the food and beverage sector. What that means is food chains across the country are on their knees with many facing closure – and Ask haven’t been able to attract tenants.
The heavily criticised project involved the sale of Churchill Way car park by Cheshire East Council to Ask Real Estate – subject to Ask gaining planning permission. Of course as Cheshire East takes the decisions on planning issues around here it was thought to be in the bag.
A spokesperson from Ask said: “Despite the positive attributes of Macclesfield as a location, given the significant downward shift in the food and beverage sector nationally, we have decided not to proceed with our Macclesfield scheme. We have not taken this decision lightly. However, with investor sentiment pushing down pricing in the sector, which is beyond our control, we are unable to progress.”
Macclesfield David Rutley MP said he was extremely disappointed and has called for an urgent round table meeting to kickstart the redevelopment of the town.
He said: “The scheme was an important element of plans to regenerate Macclesfield town centre. It is now more essential than ever that Cheshire East Council puts forward an updated, comprehensive plan to revitalise the town centre, so that it better reflects the strength of the local economy and the vibrancy of our community spirit. That is why I have asked Rachel Bailey, Leader of Cheshire East Council, to join me in holding an urgent round table meeting to kick start the process of developing up to date plans to regenerate the town centre.”
Cllr Ainsley Arnold, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for housing, planning and regeneration, said: “While I appreciate that this is disappointing news, to myself and many residents of Macclesfield, the challenges Ask have faced in making this scheme viable are understood in the context of the significant downturn in the market.”
“The difficulties of others letting similar schemes across the country are well documented and it is regrettable, but understandable, that Ask and their funders have made the decision that this specific development is not deliverable. Macclesfield town centre is performing better than many at this time of significant challenge to the traditional British high street. At the last count, vacancy levels were below the national average and well below the average for the North West.”
(Ed: The Macclesfield Express reports: “Macclesfield town centre has the highest number of empty shops across the whole of Cheshire East” . . . “Macclesfield town centre has 64 units lying dormant, the highest figure in the borough.”)
“With the advent of high-speed rail services, we are confident about the future of the town and the private sector is demonstrating equally high levels of confidence in Macclesfield as a place to invest in.”
He added: “The expansion of the Grosvenor Shopping Centre is nearing completion and the number and variety of the town’s many unique and high-quality independent shops continues to grow. The council has invested significantly in enhancing the public realm across Macclesfield and we will continue to engage with our partners, stakeholders and local MP to support the vitality of Macclesfield as a great place to live, work and visit.”

Churchill Way – Macclesfield’s main car park (Google maps)
Readers of ilovemacc will be well aware that we’ve condemned this ludicrous scheme from the outset.
Given that Eskmuir were self-funding the expansion of the Grosvenor Centre to the tune of £11 million – the idea of losing a major car park that would provide parking for them was sheer insanity.
Stockport have poured untold millions into any number of town-centre ‘redevelopments’ – but, as we’ve said time and time again, the only ones to benefit have been the developers. The biggest losers have been the council-tax payers and businesses of Stockport – who’ve been left with any number of white elephants – while the developers merely move on to the next town.
Retail and restaurant chain business across the country is in turmoil and no-one has been able to come up with a solution to turn things around. The impact of the internet and out-of-town shopping combined has turned many town centres into ghost areas.
One thing that could halt further decline in Macclesfield is to encourage the return of all the multiple units to single ones – and encourage small independents to open up in the town – with whatever concessions it takes – after all why go to any town to shop if all that’s on offer is the same that’s available anywhere else?
Ludlow Town Council has consistently declined permission for businesses to develop multiple units – this has kept the national multiples out and ensured the success of the unique, independent small businesses in the town – consequently Ludlow has become a magnet for tourists and shoppers alike.
Macclesfield has the potential to become a beautiful town again – don’t let it be spoiled more ‘redevelopment’!
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