The `must go to’ canine event of the year takes place at the Farm, Tatton Park this Sunday August 12th – and due to the warm weather a water jump has been introduced for the first time in this year’s agility class.
Farm Manager Jayne Chapman said, “The fun dog show is one of our favourite Farm events and as it’s been such amazing weather this year we decided to help the dogs cool down by including a ‘doggy-dip jump’. Dogs can jump over it, into it or just lie in it to cool down, although obviously this might slow them down a bit!”

As well as the agility class there are another ten novelty classes up for contention including the dog with the saddest eyes, the waggiest tail, best veteranand best rescue. All categories are open for any dog and whilst it’s all about the taking part, you may well find your canine friend has just what it takes to win a podium place. It’s the perfect opportunity for dogs (and owners) to really strut their stuff!
Special rosettes are awarded for first to sixth places in each class, so few doggies go home empty-pawed and the most competitive participants are already clearing space in their kennels for the gleaming ‘Harry Smith Memorial Trophy’ for show champion.
One of the hardest classes to judge is the ‘dog the judges would most like to take home’which gets increasingly difficult to decide as the numbers of entries increase each year.
It’s an enjoyable day out for all two and four legged friends, so come down and join in, classes start at 12 noon. This year the Farm’s vet, Wright & Morten, will be kindly attending the event to give advice and guidance about our canine companions.
Please visit our website or call 01625 374400 for more information.
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